Use GoogleDocs to Write Blog Content – Part 1

Google_docs_to_write_contentGoogleDocs is a great tool for writing and tracking blog content. I have used a lot of strategies to write blog posts. I’d like to share some of these methods so you can learn from them.

Methods to write blog posts:


The disadvantage of this method is that you end up with a lot of drafts and it obscures your posted content (on the back-end). I’ve generally found it best to write my blog content outside of the blogging platform and then copy and paste when the content is ready. There are exceptions to that rule.


This is one of my favorite tools for creating web content. It is a simplified form of content without any of the underlying code that comes from a Word document. The disadvantage is that line breaks are sometimes an issue. You may end up having to go through your post and change the line breaks manually. One disadvantage is that Notepad does not have spell-check. And I don’t know about you, but I occasionally spell words incorrectly.

-Microsoft Word

Word is a great tool for writing any kind of document, but you often run into issues when transferring to a web publishing tool. Word has a lot of underlying code that can be misinterpreted when published on the web. For an example of this, simply copy and paste a document into your blogging platform and then click the html button. You will see all sorts of strange code. (Not good.) When you actually view the published web page, you may see strange characters.


I have used GoogleDocs for writing blog content for a few weeks. It seems to work pretty well. You can create folders and documents. The text transfers well into my blogging platform. (Note that there is sometimes a lag time after you save something before you see it in the folder. It’s a little unnerving, but it shows up within a few minutes.)

In Part 2 of blog post series, I will share details about how I track blog topics. (Hint: I make a list of topics that I want to write about in advance.)

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing Expert

The Power of Simplicity

The Power Of SimplicityThink about your marketing. What are you doing that’s repeatable and duplicatable?

There is a power in simplicity. Too often we try to make things too complex. This is bad. You will be much more likely to repeat something that is simple.

When I coach clients, I’m often surprised at how much they are doing that has minimal to no benefit. There’s a simple rule in marketing and sales: Focus on revenue producing activities.

What are some of the marketing activities you can do that will yield the best results?

-Lead generation

-Lead conversion

-Email marketing

-Creating a new lead capture page

-Creating a freebie (Irresistible Free Offer)

-Creating an online sales page

-Pay per click advertising

-Product launches

-Joint ventures

-Affiliate marketing


-Social media activities

-Promoting live events

-Online video

-Posting articles on article directories

-Posting your business profile on a directory

These are all great ideas. And there are many more.

Learn more about how to improve your online marketing.

Want more ideas to market your business online?

Click Here to receive Instant Access to two free audio programs

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing Expert

Launch a Marketing Campaign

Marketing_Campaign_LaunchI love marketing. And one of my favorite aspects of marketing is the ability to create a campaign. What is a marketing campaign? In essence, it’s a project with a goal. There is a start and an end. You track your results and compare them to your goals.

Here are a few examples of marketing campaigns:

-Run a series of ads to promote an event.

-Host a series of teleseminars to promote a new program.

-Create an autoresponder series to upsell from a free opt in to a low cost product.

Marketing campaigns are often tied to a product launch. It helps to have a defined marketing plan to ensure the success of your launch.

What is one marketing campaign you can run in the next 90 days? What product or program are you launching in the next year that would benefit from a marketing campaign?

Take the time now to commit to create a marketing campaign.

If you want some accountability to make it happen, send me an email at

Rick Cooper
Marketing Coach


Business Quote: Brian Tracy

expert-quote“You can accomplish virtually anything if you want it badly enough and if you are willing to work long enough and hard enough.”

~Brian Tracy

Drive Traffic by Commenting on Blogs

Blog CommentingThere are many reasons to become a blogger. One of the best is simply to generate leads. And yet, the challenge is always to get people to your blog. You can’t generate a lead unless someone lands on your web page.

So, once you are in the habit of blogging and you have the ability to capture leads, then you simply need to send more people to your blog.

Here’s a simple technique that people often overlook. Many people look for the more challenging or complicated techniques. I look first to do the simple things that will drive traffic and create backlinks to your site.

The technique is simply to comment on other people’s blogs.

It’s a simple idea in concept, but how do you actually implement it consistently?

Here are 3 simple tips:

1) Compile a list of blogs where you can post comments

It’s not enough to simply post a comment once and you’re done. To be effective, you should post periodically to different blogs. When you get started, post a comment on a site once per week. Then, later cut back to once or twice a month.

Engage Other Bloggers in Conversation

Why this often? First, you want to engage the other blogger in dialogue. It’s just like connecting on a social networking site. If you post often enough, people will remember who you are and you will become friends.

In addition to that, if they like your ideas, they might actually feature you or their blog. Or, they might share a resource you offer.

2) Keep your comments short

Remember, this is their blog. Don’t write a novel, keep it brief.

If you feel compelled to write more on the topic, write it on your blog. Then, link back.

Don’t include a hyperlink in the body of the comment. See the next section for more details on how to send people to your blog.

3) Link back to your blog

When you post your comment, you have the opportunity to include a link back to a website. There will be fields for name, email and website. But, where should you send people? Should you send them to a lead capture page, a website, or a blog?

In general, the best approach is to send people to your blog. If a person is interested in reading blogs, then they will probably be interested in reading another similar blog.

So, should you send people to the home page of your blog? The SEO experts say that it’s best to include a link directly to one of the posts on your blog. Pick a post that has similar content to the one you are commenting on. Or, write a new post and link to it.

Are you in the habit of commenting on blogs? Or, is this a new idea for you?

If you want more traffic to your blog, then try this strategy. And be sure to pick some high profile blogs to comment on also. Make sure the topics are relevant. If you’re writing about organization tips, don’t comment on a political blog. Different audiences, different interests.

Set a goal now to comment on 3 blogs in the next 2 weeks. And while you’re reading this post, take a moment now to comment on this blog. Make it happen!

Rick Cooper
Marketing Coach

Capitalize on your Knowledge

Capitalize on your KnowledgeWhat are you doing to leverage the knowledge you have to grow your business? You have a unique skill set and information that other people want to know. Are you really using that information strategically?

There are many ways that you can use the information in your head to communicate and educate clients and prospects.

Here are 3 methods to share information that will provide value.

1. Post to a Blog

One of the best tools to create a name for yourself and begin to build an audience is through a blog. Many people like to read information on blogs, and they’re a great tool to generate organic traffic on the internet.

The technology can be overwhelming at first. There’s a lot to learn. The good news is that you can find people to help you. Just set a goal to start a blog and start taking action.

2. Write an article

Articles are extremely versatile. You can post them on sites like You can also include articles in your own email newsletter, or even print an article to hand out.

Keep your articles to about 400 to 600 words. Make them simple and easy to read. People have limited time, so get to the point. Pick a topic that people will be interested in.

3. Write a Special Report

At some point, you will realize that you need a resource to offer as a lead generation tool. One of the best resources you can create that will have value is a special report. Typically about 8-15 pages, it’s a short document that focuses on solving a problem or communicating information that your ideal clients want to learn.

Repurpose your Content

An interesting point to consider is that you can take the content from a special report and break it into 5-7 articles. You can repurpose content to leverage it in numerous ways.

Writing is a learned skill. You can improve your ability to write. It takes practice.

Commit to write something every week. Produce something and share it with others. This will build your self-confidence and encourage you to write more in the future.

Rick Cooper
Marketng Coach

Marketing Quote: Leo Burnett

expert-quote“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.”

~Leo Burnett

Find More Clients on the Internet

Find Clients on InternetOne of the common challenges facing most businesses, and particularly professional services businesses, is to find clients. A cost effective and simple strategy you can use to find clients is to leverage the power of the internet.

What is the most effective way you have found so far to get clients? Select this one strategy and optimize it. Think about the process end to end and look for ways to improve your results.

So, how do you find clients on the internet? There are literally thousands of different strategies you can implement.

Let’s consider 3 simple strategies you can quickly and easily start with.

1. Social Media

Are you using social media effectively to attract clients? Many people spend hours of time each day on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Yet, are they actually getting a return on the investment of their time?

Be careful not to abuse this powerful medium though. Some people are too aggressive in promoting their business and run the risk of having their account shut down.

Send People to an Opt In Page

Follow the rules on sites likes Facebook. Look for simple ways to communicate one on one. Take time to build rapport. Then, use a simple, but effective lead generation strategy to send people to an opt in page.

In fact, it’s a good idea to create a web page that welcomes people from the site. Speak to people one on one, but acknowledge them as part of an audience.

2. Article Marketing

An article can be a great tool to generate leads. How? By including a call to action in the byline along with a URL or web page link.

At the end of an article, include a brief byline that explains your expertise, the company you work for and mentions a specific free resource that is available to them. Then, include the link.

3. Landing Page

One of the most effective strategies to generate leads on the internet is the use of a landing page, or squeeze page. This is a standalone web page with the sole purpose of capturing contact information.

Of course, you have to give people a reason to opt in. You need to provide something of value. Offer them a free resource like a special report, ebook or audio program.

The 3 strategies I have shared here can be used in multiple ways and in combination to attract clients.

What can you do this week that will help you attract clients? Take action or at least take the first step in moving forward. You have the ability to attract more clients than you are today. Get started now!

Rick Cooper
Marketng Coach

Social Media Quote: Matt Dickman

expert-quote “Social media isn’t the end-all-be-all, but it offers marketers unparalleled opportunity to participate in relevant ways. It also provides a launchpad for other marketing tactics. Social media is not an island. It’s a high-power engine on the larger marketing ship.”

~Matt Dickman

Grab Attention with a Compelling Headline

Headline writing tipsCopywriting is an art as much as it is a science. It takes commitment and creativity to craft copy that will engage your reader. You need to know who you’re speaking to and what their needs are.

One of the most important elements of any copy is the headline. And whether you are writing a direct mail sales letter or a sales page for a website, you need a great headline to grab the attention of your prospect.

Since the headline is usually the first thing a visitor will read, make sure it compels the visitor to want to read more about your product or service.

A great headline should instantly engage your prospect and get them excited. A poor headline will distract them and make them leave your site.

4 tips to write an effective headline:

  • Make sure the headline addresses the problem of your web site visitor.
  • Capitalize the first letter of every word in your headline to attract more sales.
  • Highlight important words to attract more attention to them.
  • Always use a large bold font. Make sure the headline text is larger than any other text on your sales page.
Test and Tweak Your Headlines

It’s amazing how much one single change to a headline can increase your online sales. Always test and tweak your headlines until you are satisfied with the results. Ask for feedback from clients, prospects, mentors and coaches.

Rick Cooper
Marketing Coach