Tips to Attract Clients in a Downturn

Dianna Huff shared 25 Things You Can Do to Attract Clients and Wealth During a Recession on her blog. While the post is no longer up, here is a great tip Dianna shared on the list:
“Tip #7: Call all the prospects who’ve inquired about your services but haven’t yet become clients and ask if you can send them an article or report you’ve written. Also ask if you can add them to your e-newsletter list if they’re not on there already.”
Your Business May be at Risk!
What have you done in the last few months to change how you’re doing business? If you haven’t changed anything, your business may be at risk as you go through the rest of the year. Make a list of areas where you’re at risk and take action to make some changes.
By the way, check out this informative article on Dianna’s site which identifies 7 Problems with Outdated Websites.
Rick Cooper
Rick is an Author, Speaker, and Coach. He is author of Seize your Opportunities, Marketing Magic, and Extreme Excellence. Rick works with small business owners who want to generate more leads online and increase sales on the internet.He specializes in working with Coaches, Speakers, and Experts. He helps them leverage their expertise to attract clients online. He has provided marketing consulting and support to some of the top speakers in the world.
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