There are many marketing strategies you can implement that create visibility online. One of the simplest strategies to implement that business owners often resist is to create videos. I want to share with you a powerful reason to create a video. You can educate potential customers and clients through this video. This is a great way to build trust and rapport!
Are you willing to create a video in the next 30 days and post it on YouTube? Watch this video now and get it done!
Rick is an Author, Speaker, and Coach. He is author of Seize your Opportunities, Marketing Magic, and Extreme Excellence. Rick works with small business owners who want to generate more leads online and increase sales on the internet.He specializes in working with Coaches, Speakers, and Experts. He helps them leverage their expertise to attract clients online. He has provided marketing consulting and support to some of the top speakers in the world.
Share one of your posts from your business Facebook Page over to your personal page. This will create more visibility for your Facebook Page and get you more Likes.
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