Creating Goodwill with your Joint Venture Partners by Spotlighting them on your Blog

NOTE: This is the first in a series of 7 blog posts.

One challenge that holds many speakers back is not reaching a large enough audience. To be recognized as an expert or Thought Leader in your field, you need to reach more people online.

Your blog is a great platform to help expand your reach. By embracing your blog as a tool for promoting not just your business but also your business partners and associates, you will begin to increase traffic to your site. In other words, more people will come to your site, read your blog posts, watch your videos, sign up for your webinars and opt in for free resources.

As a coach or speaker creating your very own blog messaging strategy, you’re participating in a creative and strategic process. You’re brainstorming new topics to write about and you’re including important topics around your brand and events. One of those such topics is to put a spotlight on someone you’re working with, such as a Joint Venture partner.

This blog post is the first of 7 in a series focusing on blog messaging strategy that will outline some tips for featuring a JV partner on your blog.

Cross-Promote Your Joint Venture

Depending on the nature of your partnership, you should promote the project you’re working on to bring attention to it. This would be great to do especially if you’re hosting a webinar, live seminar, Facebook Live, or telesummit with another coach or speaker. Don’t simply mention it on social media. Write a blog or a series of blogs surrounding the event. Make sure to include the date and time of the event, as well as a description and bio of your partner and their brand.

The more you invest in sharing details about your partner, the more you will benefit and the more they will benefit. You will be creating a great piece of content they will want to share and that will attract more people to your site. How cool is that?

Feature Their Content on Your Blog

A more indirect but flattering way of featuring your partner is pointing to a piece of content they published. Find something relevant to your Joint Venture or simply ask them which piece they’d like to share. It could be anything from a blog post to a video. Talk about why the topic is important and, as always, add value for your readers by connecting it back to what they look for in your content. Why should your audience read this other speaker’s content? Give people a reason to want to read it.

Acknowledge an Event You Attended

Another way to feature a Joint Venture partner is by acknowledging an event you found particularly powerful and influential where they were a speaker or host. Make sure to discuss your experience and include takeaways, or significant things you learned while attending and listening. This shows that you have an appreciation for other speakers and that you’re constantly learning from them. This is both valuable to your readers and your Joint Venture partner. It gives your readers more exceptional content and advice, and it gives more readership to your partner’s blog.

Spotlighting or featuring your JV partner is beneficial for all parties involved. It brings attention to your partner’s brand or blog, it emphasizes your working project, and it shows your appreciation and willingness to learn from other coaches and speakers.

Rick Cooper
Digital Marketing Consultant

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