Think about your marketing. What are you doing that’s repeatable and duplicatable? There is a power in simplicity. Too often we try to make things too complex. This is bad. You will be much more likely to repeat something that is simple. When I coach clients, I’m often surprised at how much they are doing …
Category: Blogs
Mar 28
Capitalize on your Knowledge
What are you doing to leverage the knowledge you have to grow your business? You have a unique skill set and information that other people want to know. Are you really using that information strategically? There are many ways that you can use the information in your head to communicate and educate clients and prospects. …
Nov 08
Grab Attention with a Compelling Headline
Copywriting is an art as much as it is a science. It takes commitment and creativity to craft copy that will engage your reader. You need to know who you’re speaking to and what their needs are. One of the most important elements of any copy is the headline. And whether you are writing a …
Nov 05
Keys to Create Content for your Blog
One of the challenges most bloggers face is what to write about on their blog. Internet expert Joel Comm writes about this subject on his blog. In his post, “How to Decide What to Write About,” Joel states: “People are always search for how-to do this or that. Just go to Google and search for …
Nov 24
Attraction Marketing Secrets: How to Use your Blog to Attract Clients
Posting to a blog is a great way to attract clients. The internet is an amazing source of information and you can provide value by writing a blog and sharing your expertise. People often turn to blogs because they contain specialized information. You can build an audience and attract clients if you post quality content …
Sep 03
Time for a Change – How to Improve your Blog
Make your blog more relevant and effective. Have you ever felt like your blog was ready for a facelift? What’s holding you back from making the change? I recently decided to make some changes to my blog. I just felt like it wasn’t looking as good as it could. How long did it take me …
Apr 07
Rick Cooper Featured on Michael Michalowicz’s TPE Blog!
It’s always an honor to receive media attention. Publicity is one of the best forms of visibility. What are you doing to get publicity to increase your visibility? I’m excited to announce that I was featured on Michael Michalowicz’s Toilet Paper Entrepreneur (TPE) Blog! Michael is a nationally renowned author and media darling. He has …
Dec 22
Defining your Niche Market
Do you have a niche market? Have you clearly defined who you’re trying to reach? I enjoy talking to people who are trying to get clear on who they want to serve. Many entrepreneurs have not taken enough time to really define their niche market. And instead, their message doesn’t really communicate effectively to anyone …
Apr 20
Drive Traffic by Commenting on Blogs
There are many reasons to become a blogger. One of the best is simply to generate leads. And yet, the challenge is always to get people to your blog. You can’t generate a lead unless someone lands on your web page. So, once you are in the habit of blogging and you have the ability …
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