The First Step to Attract Clients

Step to Attract ClientsOne of the simplest steps you can take to attract clients is to simply identify your ideal clients. Yes, it’s important to identify a niche market. You’re going to be so much more successful in your professional services business if you choose a specific market to serve.

Here are a few of the benefits:

1. You will be able to craft a more compelling message

Don’t settle for a plain message that targets everyone! Write a compelling message that speaks to your audience. People pay copywriters thousands of dollars for a compelling sales letter. Start now and use the same principles.

2. It will be easier to get referrals

Would you like to have referrals coming in every day? You’re going to attract more referrals by clearly identifying and communicating who your ideal clients are. I call it planting a seed.

3. You can become recognized as THE expert for your market

Experts get paid more. Need I say more? Okay. You will attract the best clients by demonstrating your expertise. Write, speak, and get publicity. It all helps!

Craft a Compelling Message that Attracts Clients!

What’s your next step in identifying your ideal clients? This is not a one time activity. You should evaluate your client base a few times a year and make sure you’re on track.

Attract your ideal clients and build the business of your dreams!

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

Tim Lock is the May 13th Guest on Attracting Ideal Clients Show


Tune in on May 13th for Attracting Ideal Clients, aired on BlogTalkRadio. We'll be talking about how to improve your website to generate more leads and get more clients.

Tim_lock Improve your Website to Attract Clients
May 13th (Episode 28)
6pm Pacific / 8pm Central / 9pm Eastern

Your website is now your calling card. It needs to communicate who you are and what you do. And it needs to work for you. Your website should generate leads for new business. What can you do to improve your website?

In this program you learn:
* Why Content is King.
* Design style tips.
* How to choose the right colors.
* Insure your site looks the way it should no matter who views it.
* How to easily and effectively track your website visitors.

Special Guest: Tim Lock
Tune in monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 3pm Pacific Time:

Listen online (live or archived)
Click Here to Set a Reminder for the Show

Subscribe to the podcast – Click the link below or copy and paste link into iTunes:

About our Guest: Tim Lock

Tim Lock is a website designer with a passion for helping small business owners transform their website into a lead generation machine. He has been entrepreneur since the age of 10 and understands the challenges business owners face every day. He has over 10 years of technical support experience which gives him the ability to quickly trouble sneaky website problems and the empathy to explain technical processes in simple terms. His website is

Rick S. Cooper, MBA
The Attraction Marketing Expert
Entrepreneur Success Coach

Lou Bortone is the April 15th Guest on Attracting Ideal Clients Show


Tune in on April 15th for Attracting Ideal Clients, aired on BlogTalkRadio. We'll be talking about visibility, exposure and awareness of a Strong Brand especially in a weak economy.
Attracting Ideal Clients on BlogTalkRadio.

Building a Strong Brand in a Weak Economy
April 15th (Episode 27)
3pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern

In today’s tumultuous economy and hyper-competitive market, if you do not have a breakthrough brand, you are done for! Fortunately, you can compete with the big guys and level the playing field with a little creativity and some simple Web 2.0 technology. Is this your new secret weapon? Online Video! This presentation will show you how to build and expand your brand using Online Video.

In this program you learn:
> Use Online Video as a personal branding strategy
> Increase traffic to your website with video
> Expand your online presence with your video
> Use a few simple tips and tricks to look great on camera
> Add your own personality to your videos to make them unique and memorable

Special Guest: Lou Bortone
Tune in monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 3pm Pacific Time:

Listen online (live or archived)
Click Here to Set a Reminder for the Show

Subscribe to the podcast – Click the link below or copy and paste link into iTunes:

About our Guest: Lou Bortone

Lou Bortone grew up in the TV industry and has been involved in all aspects of the entertainment business for more than 20 years. After working in television and radio in Boston, Lou set out for Los Angeles with no job, but plenty of big dreams. After one week in Hollywood, he landed his first entertainment industry gig as National Promotion Manager for E! Entertainment Television. Later, Lou rose up the ranks at Saban Entertainment and the Fox Kids Network, eventually becoming a Senior Vice President at Fox Family Worldwide, then a division of Fox. Today, Lou is a writer, producer and online branding consultant who teaches entrepreneurs how to build breakthrough brands on the Internet, with services such as copywriting, online video, marketing, coaching and creative support. Lou also produces a weekly unique and light-hearted videoblog called LouTube. His website is at

Rick S. Cooper, MBA
The Attraction Marketing Expert
Entrepreneur Success Coach

Rick Cooper Featured on Michael Michalowicz’s TPE Blog!

Michael Michalowicz's TPE Blog It’s always an honor to receive media attention. Publicity is one of the best forms of visibility. What are you doing to get publicity to increase your visibility?

I’m excited to announce that I was featured on Michael Michalowicz’s Toilet Paper Entrepreneur (TPE) Blog! Michael is a nationally renowned author and media darling. He has a huge following and I’m excited to have the opportunity to share a marketing strategy that can help them.

Use Teleseminars to Grow your Business!


Michael posted an amazing collection of 115 Marketing Strategies for Small Business on his blog. Look for #96, Teleseminar Gold, contributed by Rick Cooper, The Attraction Marketing Expert. This is a great strategy for Coaches, Speakers and Experts. It can also be used by any entrepreneurs who want to educate and inform clients and prospects. It’s a great lead generation strategy.

Seize your Social Media Opportunities Interview with Rick Cooper

Social Media Opportunities Interview with Rick Cooper
Social media creates many opportunities to grow your business. I love the ability to build relationships in my home town and across the world.

Social networking is similar to networking at events. It’s just faster and easier. It takes a little longer to develop good, strong relationships. But, it’s nonethelesss possible to create outstanding, mutually beneficial relationships.

One of the relationships I have developed is with Social Media Expert Brian Adrian. Brian and I connected through Twitter. We initially connected by replying to messages we had posted publicly on Twitter. That led to a few direct messages and then email exchanges.

I will talk to Brian for the first time April 1st by phone as I’m being interviewed on his BlogTalkRadio Show. That is the power of social media!

One of the reasons that became possible is that I am very transparent on the internet. I put myself out there as an expert. I share information daily that helps create value for people. I am honest and sincere and I strive to do my best.

Share Information and Create Value

I follow a simple rule in marketing my business. I make my messages are 80% informational and 20% promotional. I look for ways to share information and create value and as an aside, I promote my business. I think you can be successful by being of service to other people. And I get a lot of positive feedback from people because of that.

What opportunities do you have to leverage social media?

Permission Based Marketing through Free Offers

Permission Based Marketing
Seth Godin has literally written the book on Permission Marketing. I recommend any one of his books to learn how to apply a permission based marketing philosophy.

We live in an age when people marketed are marketed to constantly. So, what can you do to cut through the noise and create results? If you want to build a successful business, you need to ask for permission to market to people.

Traditional Advertising:
There are traditional forms of advertising which interrupt you, whether on radio, TV, or even in print media. Permission is assumed because people understand when they turn the radio station or TV channel, they will hear or see commercials at some point.

Email Marketing:
One of the most powerful tools to create leverage in your business is through email marketing. We’re not talking about spam. We’re talking about legitimate opt-in requests. I use a double opt-in process for added verification. I would rather err on the conservative side.

People may still perceive your messages as spam and block you. But, ultimately, they gave you permission to send them messages. Pay attention to how many messages you send and make the content valuable.

Comply with the Can Spam Act (in the U.S.) and make sure that people
who subscribe to your email list have the option to unsubscribe at any

Publicity is one of the most effective forms of communication because it is typically not perceived as advertising. You must be prepared to lose control of the message though. There is value in telling compelling stories and simply being visible in the media eye. It creates interest and attracts people.

There is a learning curve to become expert at communicating with the media and creating value for consumers. But, it’s worth the effort.

Build Relationships with a Diverse Community of People

Social Media:
The internet has created many opportunities to reach consumers with your message. While many companies use banner advertisements and pay per click ads, there are many tools to reach people through social media. Blogs are a great tool to demonstrate expertise in a specific area and communicate value. You can build a loyal readership and use opt-in offers for permission based email offers.

Social media sites including Twitter and Facebook allow the opportunity to build relationships with a diverse community of people including your ideal clients. Social media environments create an ongoing conversation and dialogue that everyone can tap into by exchanging information.

Free Offers:
So, how can you use the internet to grow your client base? I recommend the 80/20 Rule. Always seek to make your communications 80% informational and only 20% promotional. If in doubt, provide more information and less promotion.

Focus on building relationships. Think of people first and then about your specific goals and objectives. Social media is self-regulating. Spammers are quickly outed and banned from sites. Make sure that you obey the rules of the site and are considerate of other members.

People are willing to provide their contact information in exchange for information they need. Just be sure to follow through on your commitments and deliver what is promised.

As for what to makes a compelling free offer, that’s the subject of another post.

Attraction marketing starts with offering information and resources that are valuable for your ideal clients. Strive to create value for others and your business will grow!

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

Create More Success in Your Business Now

Success is just a few steps away. If you're not creating the results you want in your business, it might be because you're missing a few crucial steps.

Wouldn't it be nice to have the level of success you want in your business? But, what can you do to create more success right now?

Here are 3 simple tips to create more success in your business now:

1) Follow the Leader

Find someone who is already successful in your field and emulate them. Analyze their strategies and break them down. Look for ways to implement what they are doing. This is a great strategy to create a higher level of success in your business.

2) Do What Works

Take time to look at what you've done in the past that has been successful. Duplicate it. This is the advantage of developing systems. You will automatically do what works over and over.

3) Ask for Help

In general, entrepreneurs tend to be Lone Rangers. They keep things close to the vest and rarely let others in. If you want to grow and create more success, you need to let others into your world and ask for help.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

Attract your Ideal Clients (Free Teleseminar)

Attract your Ideal Clients!
And Build the Business of your Dreams! 

Click here for to learn about the FREE Monthly Success Strategies Call

Do you want to grow your business? Are you looking for clients who inspire you and motivate you to do your best work? If so, then you need to attract your ideal clients!

Hi. My name is Rick Cooper, The Attraction Marketing Expert. I work with entrepreneurs who want to grow their business. I specialize in working with Coaches, Speakers and Experts.

Join me for a complimentary teleseminar and I’ll show you how to attract your ideal clients.

Attract your Ideal Clients
Thursday, April 23rd
3pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to identify your ideal clients
  • How to reach your ideal clients
  • What to communicate to your ideal clients

Sign Up Today

Sign up below and receive your invitation to attend this
complimentary teleseminar that will help you attract clients and grow
your business.

Sign Up Below for the FREE Teleseminar!


I look forward to talking with you on the call.

Rick S. Cooper, MBA
The Attraction Marketing Expert
Entrepreneur Success Coach


Read our new blog, Attracting Idea Clients. And stay tuned for our new Attracting Ideal Clients internet radio show!

Do People REALLY Care What You Twitter About?

Social media is all the rage. Everyone is connecting and networking online. And Twitter illustrates the unique nature of social networking, that millions of people are simultaneously twittering to the masses.

This humorous if not biting commentary on Twitter demonstrates how silly the whole process is. Yet, you can't deny the value of being able to develop contacts across the globe. It's a good reminder, though, of the importance of taking online relationships offline. Conversations create opportunities.

Twitter is addictive!

I have found new clients and booked interviews through Twitter. Yet, at times, it does feel a lot like shouting into the Twittersphere. And, yes, Twitter is addictive. If you're not twittering yet, you can start by following me.

Follow me on Twitter:

Develop a Social Media Marketing Program

Social Media Marketing Community
Are you wondering how to leverage social media in your marketing efforts? Do you currently just wander from site to site adding a little value here and a little value there? It’s time to develop a Social Media Marketing Program.

Lee Odden posted on Blog Business Consulting compares and contrasts a traditional direct mail campaign against a social media marketing program. Lee says,

“With social media marketing, there is an assumption that there is already involvement with the social communities involved – profile(s), network of friends, content submission, voting and participation. That’s the big mistake most marketers make when trying to promote products and services on the social web. They’ll create an account on a social media site, put up some content and expect the social media world to be their oyster without having built a network first.”

Leverage Social Media in Your Business!

Lee offers 11 specific strategies to include in your social media marketing program. For example, he writes, “Reach out to influentials on a one to one basis, recognizing them for sharing their opinion, explaining the offer and your goals – ask them to join in in spreading the good word. Explain what’s in it for them and what’s in it for the community.”

What can you do to leverage social media in your business? What can you do to create more value for your network. Take a step back and develop a social media marketing program.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer