Seth Godin has literally written the book on Permission Marketing. I recommend any one of his books to learn how to apply a permission based marketing philosophy.
We live in an age when people marketed are marketed to constantly. So, what can you do to cut through the noise and create results? If you want to build a successful business, you need to ask for permission to market to people.
Traditional Advertising:
There are traditional forms of advertising which interrupt you, whether on radio, TV, or even in print media. Permission is assumed because people understand when they turn the radio station or TV channel, they will hear or see commercials at some point.
Email Marketing:
One of the most powerful tools to create leverage in your business is through email marketing. We’re not talking about spam. We’re talking about legitimate opt-in requests. I use a double opt-in process for added verification. I would rather err on the conservative side.
People may still perceive your messages as spam and block you. But, ultimately, they gave you permission to send them messages. Pay attention to how many messages you send and make the content valuable.
Comply with the Can Spam Act (in the U.S.) and make sure that people
who subscribe to your email list have the option to unsubscribe at any
Publicity is one of the most effective forms of communication because it is typically not perceived as advertising. You must be prepared to lose control of the message though. There is value in telling compelling stories and simply being visible in the media eye. It creates interest and attracts people.
There is a learning curve to become expert at communicating with the media and creating value for consumers. But, it’s worth the effort.
Build Relationships with a Diverse Community of People
Social Media:
The internet has created many opportunities to reach consumers with your message. While many companies use banner advertisements and pay per click ads, there are many tools to reach people through social media. Blogs are a great tool to demonstrate expertise in a specific area and communicate value. You can build a loyal readership and use opt-in offers for permission based email offers.
Social media sites including Twitter and Facebook allow the opportunity to build relationships with a diverse community of people including your ideal clients. Social media environments create an ongoing conversation and dialogue that everyone can tap into by exchanging information.
Free Offers:
So, how can you use the internet to grow your client base? I recommend the 80/20 Rule. Always seek to make your communications 80% informational and only 20% promotional. If in doubt, provide more information and less promotion.
Focus on building relationships. Think of people first and then about your specific goals and objectives. Social media is self-regulating. Spammers are quickly outed and banned from sites. Make sure that you obey the rules of the site and are considerate of other members.
People are willing to provide their contact information in exchange for information they need. Just be sure to follow through on your commitments and deliver what is promised.
As for what to makes a compelling free offer, that’s the subject of another post.
Attraction marketing starts with offering information and resources that are valuable for your ideal clients. Strive to create value for others and your business will grow!
Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer
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