Posting to a blog is a great way to attract clients. The internet is an amazing source of information and you can provide value by writing a blog and sharing your expertise.
People often turn to blogs because they contain specialized information. You can build an audience and attract clients if you post quality content that educates and informs people.
So, how do you get started with a blog? Here are a few quick ideas that will help you get started.
1. Select a theme and a title
A blog is a communication tool. It allows you the capability to share information that other people will find useful. In order to create a resource that people will come back to, you need to limit the topics you write about. You need to select a theme.
You also need to select a title for your blog. And you should consider using the title for the website domain or url.
2. Choose a design
Writing consistently to a blog can position you as an expert. It can help to increase your visibility. It can also help you to establish strong relationships with influential bloggers.
One of the ways you can communicate your expertise is to use a professional design for your blog. Many of the online blogging tools like Typepad offer a variety of professional templates. For a more customized design you can find a WordPress designer who can create a customized design for you. Another tool you can use is Blogger. It’s simple and easy to use.
I use both Typepad and WordPress. I love Typepad. I can create as many blogs as I want. WordPress is flexible, but it’s a pain to have to debug the code at times.
A Blog is a Communication Tool that Allows you Attract Clients!
3. Add navigation options
One of the unique characteristics of a blog is the ability to sort and categorize posts by category or period (day, week, month).
Many blogging tools will allow you to create tabs with different content. This makes the blog more like a traditional website.
4. Write blog posts
One of the most challenging aspects of creating a blog is to actually post content over time. Many people create blogs but few actually post content to their blogs consistently over time.
One of the ways to simplify this process is to create a routine and create an ongoing series of posts on a topic. This is similar to the way newspapers have columns, a daily or weekly article on a topic.
For example, this blog post is part of a series of blog posts I wrote for an ebook. I wrote the ebook and now am posting to my blog one at a time. This also gives me the opportunity to optimize each post before I publish the ebook.
5. Add an opt-in box
One of the reasons to create a blog is the ability to generate leads. You can use a blog to generate leads by adding an opt-in box and offering a free resource people can opt-in to receive.
Starting a blog is a great way to share information that provides value and positions you as an expert. Select a theme that will attract attention and that you’re passionate about.
Post content to your blog consistently. Repurpose content from articles, teleseminars and classes. You will demonstrate your expertise. You will build a following. You will attract clients who want to work with you! Happy blogging!
Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer
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