Success Secrets: Tips to Comeback from a Loss

Comeback from a lossOne of the secrets to success is to improve your ability to comeback from a loss. Business is a mix of ups and downs. Sometimes you’re rising. Sometimes you’re falling. It takes persistence, hard work and effort to stay on track and reach the level of success you want.

In the current economy, many people are struggling. On the other hand, there are some people who are having their best year ever. It’s an interesting dichotomy.

What are some of the things you can do to comeback from a loss?

Let’s first consider a few examples of losses. You can lose a friend or family member. You can lose a job. You can lose a business. You can lose physical possessions. You can lose your health. There are many other examples. or the purposes of this post, let’s focus on business losses.

Find Success-Oriented Individuals to Partner With!

So, what can you do about it?

1) Get into action

First, you need to get into action. It doesn’t really matter initially what you do. If you take massive action, you will create some results.

One of my mentors, Eric Lofholm, said, “Fear, panic and worry do not manifest money.” Instead, focus on revenue producing activities.

2) Get a plan

Yes, at some point, you need to step back, set some goals and decide upon the best possible actions. If you’re not getting the results you want, you need to look for some better strategies.

3) Get a coach

I believe in the value of coaches. I have worked with many coaches in the past. When you work with a coach, they can help you identify what’s holding you back. And they can also hold you accountable to focus on taking action that will generate the results you want.

4) Get positive

A positive attitude goes a long way. I am an eternal optimist. And in most cases, that works a lot better than the alternative.

Here are a few strategies that can help to improve your attitude. Use positive affirmations. I recommend you write your affirmations on index cards and carry them around with you. Read them 2-3 times per day. Internalize it.

Another great idea is to get around other like-minded, success-oriented individuals. I am fortunate to be part of a Mastermind group that has met monthly for the last 2 years. I rely on their feedback and support. We have become good friends and help each other when we’re struggling. I recommend you find a mastermind group, or a networking group or just a few good friends you can talk to.

Plan for your comeback. Joel Osteen, Pastor of Lakewood Chuch, says, “Every setback is a set up for a comeback.”

When you face challenges, realize that the challenge was not meant to tear you down, but to build you up.

Now, get out there and take action!

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

I have a question for you: What have you found helpful in making a comeback from a loss? What tips, strategies and techniques have you used in the past? Post your comment below.

Use Audio to Attract Clients

Use Audio to Attract ClientOne of the easiest and most fun Attraction Marketing strategies is the use of audio. You can quickly and easily create an audio recording. You can share tips and strategies that provide value and create an audience that wants to learn more.

All you need is a microphone, a computer and software to edit the files. This is a do it yourself project or you can hire a studio to help you.

One of the best reasons to create an audio program is that it will position you as an expert and it will create a higher level of influence.

Create an Audio Program for Sale or Lead Generation!

1. Select a topic

You can record an audio program that’s as short as 20 minutes or as long as an hour. You can create short 2-3 minute audio clips, or a multi audio CD set.

Select a topic that you are expert in and that will attract clients. You can repurpose an audio program into an ebook, a book or a class. Once you have recorded the audio program, you can even repurpose the audio content by using segments for an audio podcast or to post on a website.

2. Choose a title

The title of an audio program needs to have appeal. It needs to grab the attention of your prospect and make them want it. Think about how you will package the audio. Will you offer it online as an audio download or package an audio CD? Think about the packaging design when selecting a title. Will the title fit nicely on the cover and look good on a thumbnail image?

In the beginning, choose a working title. You can always rename it later in the process. But, it’ a good idea to finalize the title because you will want to include it in the script.

3. Write a script

Developing an audio script can be a lengthy process. It will take hours of writing, editing and practicing before you arrive at a script that you can use in a recording. Don’t be afraid to try a test run and make an audio recording along the way. Listen to the recording and make notes about what it is missing.

You may find in time that you are comfortable improvising content. But, it still pays off to script out your call to action for the end of the audio, especially when creating an audio to be used for lead generation.

4. Record and edit the audio

You can record an audio program using a microphone and a computer. Audacity is a free software tool you can use to record and edit an audio program.

The final step is to create a web page to post the audio for sale or for lead generation. I recommend you create your own web pages to start with. Once you start generating some results, hire a graphic designer or a web designer to create a more professional looking web page for you. Use a sales page format where there is only one page with no navigation links. And be sure to get a short, memorable URL to help promote the web page.

Audio is an effective medium for providing value and creating a marketable product. You can record an audio program to use as a free product or for sale.

Reach out to your Network

Grow NetworkOne of the most valuable assets you have in your business is your network. Your network includes anyone you know, whether they are an acquaintance, an associate, a client or a friend.

You have a network, whether you look at it that way or not. There is value in your network. There is the possibility for developing joint venture partnerships, referral opportunities and client relationships.

The question is how do you leverage your network? You have to be deliberate about thinking of your network in a way that will support you. When you have a need, think of specific people you know who can help. Reach out and ask for help.

You will have much better luck if you are proactive in helping others first. If you are always taking and never giving, your network will tire of your requests.

Do you have a strategy to build your network? Isn’t it time you made a plan to build your network and determine how best to make use of this incredible resource?

Be Proactive in Looking for Ways to Help People!

Here are 3 strategies to build your network:

1) Grow your network

One of the simplest ways to grow your network these days is through social media. You have instant access to millions of people. You can quickly connect with people and over time develop closer relationships.

Networking at events is another great way to meet people. Be selective about which events you attend. Look for events that will connect you with your ideal clients or with influential people.

You can also state a goal to develop a relationship with someone you know of but have not met. This is a powerful strategy. It will cause you to step outside of your comfort zone.

2) Connect with your network

A network is meaningless unless you actually reach out and connect with people. You can connect through social media or the phone. The most powerful way to connect with people is directly over the phone or in person. When you talk with someone directly it creates a greater possibility for understanding and opportunity for support.

3) Support your network

Be proactive in looking for ways to help people. Listen to what they are saying. People will often make requests through social media sites, email or on their blog. Watch for opportunities and act on them.

Another idea is to simply ask people what they need help with. This is best done over the phone or by email. Make it personal.

How many people are in your network? What do you plan to do to grow your network? Who are 5 people you want to be in your network? What is one step you can take to reach out to them?

Take action to build your network and you will create opportunities to grow your business in the future.

Social Networking Tips to Leverage Twitter

Tips to Leverage TwitterTwitter is an amazing tool which can allow you to connect with people across the world. You can attract clients, find joint venture partners and reach out to connectors and other influential people.

Many people have tried Twitter and given up. This is a mistake. It’s a very powerful tool and one of its strengths is simplicity.

Here are some of the common complaints I hear about Twitter:
*Too much spam
*I can’t follow conversations. It’s too confusing.
*Why are people following me? Where are they following me to?

Let me address the questions one at a time.

Too Much Spam
Yes, there is more spam and promotion on Twitter than on most social networks. That’s okay. If you know how to filter tweets, you can avoid most of the spam.

I can’t follow conversations. It’s too confusing.
Twitter can feel a little like walking into a crowded room and trying to listen to all of the conversations at the same time. If you go to a library, do you feel overwhelmed? Or, do you simply look for one book to read? Twitter is the same way. Take a deep breathe. First, you do not need to read everything everyone posts. Second, you can use lists to filter people into categories. For example, you could create a Friend List so you can read tweets just from your friends.

Why are people following me? Where are they following me to?
This is one of the most unique qualities of Twitter and one of the most powerful. On most social networks, you have to ask someone’s permission to connect with them. And once you connect to them, that gives you access to their network and to information about them. Twitter works the opposite way, anyone can follow anyone, except in certain situations like someone protects their profile. This makes it possible to build a large network quickly.

Make a Short List of People You Want to Communicate With

Now, let me share 3 ideas to help you leverage Twitter as a powerful social networking tool:

1) Build your network

Invest some time in following people. The larger your network, the better opportunity you will be able to connect with influential people. It will also increase your opportunities for lead generation.

2) Focus on communication

Forget about trying to chat with everyone. Make a short list of people you want to communicate with. Create a List on the Twitter website of people to communicate with and focus on them. You can also use tools like TweetDeck which improve the communication process.

3) Add value

Make every tweet count. Post quotes, tips, and link to blog posts that add value. Limit promotion to one out of every 10 tweets. This will prevent you from being labeled a spammer and being blocked or unfollowed by other people.

If you implement these simple tips, you will be well on the way to getting better results on Twitter.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

Success Secrets: Set Monthly Revenue Goals

Revenue ChartAre you earning the kind of money you want in your business?

If not, it could be in part because you’re not clear on how much you want to earn.

Here are 2 quick steps to starting earning more in your business:

1) Identify a monthly income goal to earn from your business

Take a moment to write down a dollar amount you want to take from your business each month. Maybe it’s $1,000 or $3,000 or $5,000 or $10,000. Set a goal for how much you want to earn personally each month.

2) Identify a monthly revenue goal to generate in your business

Take into account your monthly income goal as well as fixed and variable expenses. Then, set a monthly revenue goal.

Create a Spreadsheet and Add your Goals!

Once you have set the goals, create a spreadsheet and add your goals.

At the end of each month, enter the actual revenue and income you earned.

If you take these simple steps, you will begin to unlock the potential in your business. You will start looking differently at your business.

Good luck!

Rick Cooper

Tips to Leverage Audio from a Teleseminar

Teleseminar audioOne of my favorite strategies to attract clients is to host teleseminars. It’s an easy way to deliver over the top content and deliver solid value to prospective clients.

When you host a teleseminar, you can also record the audio. So, what can you do to leverage the audio you record on a teleseminar?

Here are 5 Ways to Leverage Audio from a Teleseminar:

1. Post the audio on your blog or website to allow people to play the audio

2. Create a link to download the audio file from your website or blog

3. Create a podcast for the audio file. A podcast does not have to be for a series of audio recordings

4. Create a video using the audio and adding powerpoint slides

5. Transcribe the audio recording and sell it as a product or offer it as a bonus

Which one of these strategies can you use to leverage audio from a teleseminar? Which one of these strategies have you used in the past? Post a comment now and let me know.

Creating a Breakthrough in your Business

Breakthrough CreatingHave your results increased this year? Many people have turned over a new leaf and broken through to greater heights. Still others are struggling with many of the challenges they faced last year.

What are you hoping to accomplish this year? What is holding you back?

If you’re ready for a breakthrough in your business, then here are 3 quick tips to help you create a breakthrough:

1) Create an intention

Sometimes we get stuck in the past. We are held back by our limiting beliefs. If you want to change your results, you need to change your mindset. Create an intention that you want to create a breakthrough in your business and speak it into existence.

2) Think bigger

You have to the potential to dramatically increase your results. You have the potential to accomplish so much more. What is holding you back? Many people struggle by playing a small game. They get stuck in a comfort zone and are unable to push past the obstacles that are holding them back. If you want to breakthrough to a higher level, then start by thinking bigger.

Are you Doing What’s Necessary to Create the Results You Want?

3) Take massive action

The last tip I’ll share is that if you are not making progress fast enough, then it might be because your are not taking enough action. Think about what actions you are taking daily. Are you really doing what’s necessary to create the results that you know you are capable of? If not, then it’s time to get into massive action.

Now is the time to create a breakthrough in your business. Create an intention. Think bigger. And take massive action. You will break through to a higher level of results and build the business of your dreams!

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

Success Secrets: Express Gratitude to Attract More Positive Outcomes

The expression of gratitudeOne of the qualities you need to possess to build a successful business is gratitude. You will benefit by being grateful for what you have in your life and in your business. It’s easy to focus on the negative. It can be hard to focus on the positive.

Make it a habit each day to express gratitude for what you have. You can do this alone and in silence or however you want. When you acknowledge what you already have that you appreciate, you are more likely to attract similar things into your life.

This practice also works with clients. Express gratitude for the clients you have. It’s also worthwhile to acknowledge your clients with thanks. Send them a thank you card. Send an ecard. Send a gift. Find some special way to say thanks for their business.

Express Gratitude to your Clients!

Take time to express gratitude and you will live a richer life. You will have riches that extend beyond wealth.

Attraction Marketing Secrets: How to Use Email to Generate Leads and Earn Sales

Email_marketing Email marketing is one of the most cost effective strategies to communicate your message to prospective clients. Building a permission based email list is a great strategy to leverage the internet.

You can create short text based email messages or very professional, graphic laden messages. There are benefits to each.

Here are some quick tips to make your email messages more effective:

1. Develop a communication schedule

When you first get started, you can skip this step. But, the more messages you send, the more it becomes necessary to schedule your email communications so you don’t over-market to your list.

Use a word processing file or a spreadsheet to list the days of the month, your target audience and the message. Then, make a note when you email the message.

2. Write compelling email messages

Many of the top internet marketers use short text email messages to market their products online with great results. You can use the same strategy.

Send Email Messages Consistently to your List!

You can also use an email marketing tool like Constant Contact to send professional looking email messages. Keep your messages simple and send them consistently. The more complex the email, the harder it is to maintain over time. If you create an ezine, don’t add make it too long. Keep it simple and people will be more likely to read it.

3. Include a strong call to action

The purpose of a promotional email message is to drive traffic to a web page. Don’t worry about making the sale. Just get the click. Keep the copy short and compelling and then lead your prospect to a website.

4. Schedule messages for maximum response

When you send a message may be as important as what’s in the message. Most people receive too many email messages and don’t open all the messages they receive. You need to time your message to go out when you expect people to read it. Some people think Tuesday is a great day to send messages. People are caught from their Monday email and might be more likely to open a message with a compelling subject line.

One of the most important elements for having someone open an email message is the subject line. Make the subject line interesting and enticing.

5. Track your results and make adjustments

Marketing is an art as much as it is a science. If you want to increase your results, you will need to track your results and make adjustments along the way.

Many of the top marketers in the world use email to generate sales online. You can use email marketing to grow your business. You can use it to develop trust and rapport, offer special discounts and generate sales online.

Rick Cooper
The Attraction Marketing Expert
Sales and Marketing Success Coach

Join me for a Free Teleseminar on December 30th:

How to Market your Business Online

Click here for more details:

Success Secrets: Set Annual Goals

Goal AchievementSuccessful people set annual goals. They set a lot of goals, but in particular, they set annual goals. New Year’s Resolutions are a form of annual goals, but they have limitations. If you want to truly make progress in your life and in your business, then sit down each year and write down your goals for the next year.

What do you want to accomplish in the next year? How much revenue do you want to generate? What income do you want to earn? What major projects do you want to implement? How many followers do you want on Twitter?

Questions steer focus. When you set goals, you begin a process of asking yourself questions which will lead you to answering them.

Read your Goals Daily!

Make your goals specific and timebound. Make them achievable, believable and conceivable.It’s okay to set stretch goals. Some people call them Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals (BHAGs).

Keep your goals in front of you. Review them often. Ask yourself how you’re going to achieve your goals.