Dianna Huff shared 25 Things You Can Do to Attract Clients and Wealth During a Recession on her blog. While the post is no longer up, here is a great tip Dianna shared on the list: “Tip #7: Call all the prospects who’ve inquired about your services but haven’t yet become clients and ask if …
February 2008 archive
Feb 20
Entrepreneur Success (Expert Teleseminar Series)
Presents… Success Strategies Call Topic: How to Overcome Entrepreneurial ADD and Avoid Chasing the Bright and Shiny with Business Coach and Expert Matthew Best FREE TeleseminarTuesday, September 2nd, 20086pm Pacific / 8pm Central / 9pm Eastern Are you earning the income you want? Do you want more clients? Join us on September 2nd and learn …
Feb 08
In Pursuit of Excellence
One of the most overlooked aspects to attracting your ideal clients is to provide outstanding customer service. There is a strong connection between serving your existing customers and receiving referrals. People will refer you only if they believe you will do an excellent job of serving their friends, associates or clients. If there is any …
Feb 07
Get Rich in your Niche!
Have you selected a niche to market your services? Niche marketing is one of the most effective ways to build a successful business. Why? Because it’s all about focus. For too many years, I tried to be everything to everybody. And I learned the hard way, it just doesn’t work. It helps to focus your …
Feb 05
A Virtual Assistant Can Help You Attract Clients
Do you want more clients? If so, then a Virtual Assistant may be exactly what you need. Virtual Assistants are virtual workers. They usually work from home and support multiple clients. It’s a cost-effective alternative to having an employee. And since many service professionals run their business from home, you don’t want employees anyway, right? …
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