Looking for a great way to begin positioning yourself as an expert? Write an article! This is a quick and easy strategy to begin adding value to attract clients. People want to know that you are knowledgeable before they work with you. Show them.
As an author and a speaker, I have developed a body of content over the last 7 years. But, when I first started my business, I didn’t have anything except what I knew in my brain. I started out simply by writing articles, posting to a blog and then creating reports.
Over the years, I wrote several books, workbooks and created an audio CD set. I know this can seem daunting to someone just starting out. Hang in there. It gets easier each time you do it.
Attract Clients with an Article!
Here are 5 quick tips to help you get started:
1) Brainstorm a list of topics and then prioritize them
2) Don’t worry about coming up with the perfect title, just get started
3) Make a list of 3-5 points you want to cover in the article
4) Write the first draft and then set it aside
5) Edit, edit, edit
I have now reached a point that I can write an article from start to finish without having to make any edits. (Okay, it’s always a good idea to read through your articles at least once to catch typos.) I take more time when I write books, reports and ebooks.
If you have thought about writing articles, but have hesitated, what’s holding you back? Take a risk and get started today!
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