One of the easiest and most fun Attraction Marketing strategies is the use of audio. You can quickly and easily create an audio recording. You can share tips and strategies that provide value and create an audience that wants to learn more.
All you need is a microphone, a computer and software to edit the files. This is a do it yourself project or you can hire a studio to help you.
One of the best reasons to create an audio program is that it will position you as an expert and it will create a higher level of influence.
1. Select a topic
You can record an audio program that’s as short as 20 minutes or as long as an hour. You can create short 2-3 minute audio clips, or a multi audio CD set.
Select a topic that you are expert in and that will attract clients. You can repurpose an audio program into an ebook, a book or a class. Once you have recorded the audio program, you can even repurpose the audio content by using segments for an audio podcast or to post on a website.
2. Choose a title
The title of an audio program needs to have appeal. It needs to grab the attention of your prospect and make them want it. Think about how you will package the audio. Will you offer it online as an audio download or package an audio CD? Think about the packaging design when selecting a title. Will the title fit nicely on the cover and look good on a thumbnail image?
In the beginning, choose a working title. You can always rename it later in the process. But, it’ a good idea to finalize the title because you will want to include it in the script.
3. Write a script
Developing an audio script can be a lengthy process. It will take hours of writing, editing and practicing before you arrive at a script that you can use in a recording. Don’t be afraid to try a test run and make an audio recording along the way. Listen to the recording and make notes about what it is missing.
You may find in time that you are comfortable improvising content. But, it still pays off to script out your call to action for the end of the audio, especially when creating an audio to be used for lead generation.
4. Record and edit the audio
You can record an audio program using a microphone and a computer. Audacity is a free software tool you can use to record and edit an audio program.
The final step is to create a web page to post the audio for sale or for lead generation. I recommend you create your own web pages to start with. Once you start generating some results, hire a graphic designer or a web designer to create a more professional looking web page for you. Use a sales page format where there is only one page with no navigation links. And be sure to get a short, memorable URL to help promote the web page.
Audio is an effective medium for providing value and creating a marketable product. You can record an audio program to use as a free product or for sale.
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