Tips to Generate More Sales Online

Are you making money online? Or, do you struggle with trying to generate sales on the internet?

Sometimes online marketing can seem like a bit of a mystery. It’s easy to slap something together quickly and post it online. But, do you think it’s really going to generate the same results as a well-planned strategy?

It takes time and effort to select a great offer and then implement steps to promote it online. Achieving success online depends on thinking through the sequence of how to deliver value at successively higher price points. While some people might be willing to purchase a high-end product or service when they first visit your site, the majority will likely take a more initial step like opting in to receive a free resource or buying a low cost product.

So, what can you do to get more sales online?

Here are a few quick tips to improve your online marketing results.

1) Sales pages

One of the best practices in online marketing is to create a sales page. There is a simple rule in marketing that, “The confused mind doesn’t buy.”

When you present a single offer on a web page, it allows you to get laser focused about why someone would want to buy. If you do not have an online sales page, then set a goal to create one in the next 90 days. This is one of the single best decisions you can make to earn more money online.

Most websites offer too many options. As a result, people don’t buy. Yes, you can create an online store. But, don’t expect to earn as much money as You may get an occasional sale, but unless you are driving huge traffic to your site, don’t expect a big result.

A sales page features a single, compelling offer. And it’s a best practice in online marketing.

2) Drive traffic to your sales page

“Build it and they will come!”

It would be nice if that were true. Unfortunately, it takes time and effort to get people to your sales page. And to optimize your results, it helps if your prospect has already benefited from receiving value from you through a free report, audio or video.

You need to implement multiple strategies to get people to your sales page. Make a list of different techniques you have learned. Prioritize the list and start implementing them one by one.

One of the best ways to leverage a sales page is in combination with hosting a live teleseminar or webinar.

3) Create a compelling offer

What do you have to offer online? Some of the best offers come from packaging your products together to create an irresistible offer.

What do you have that you can bundle together? It needs to be something that is complimentary and adds value when combined.

Online marketing takes a little bit of creativity. I encourage you to take time periodically to brainstorm ideas and identify strategies you can implement.

It’s okay to test offers to see what works best. Test different bundles, various price points and bonus items.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer


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  1. Rick, this is great information that I need to implement immediately, especially as I schedule a webinar. I don’t have the page up to drive them to in order to get the buy in for further products.

    Also, thank you for debunking the cliche, “Build it and they will come.” There is nothing further from the truth.

    Michele Jennae

    • on October 22, 2012 at 8:33 pm

    Glad you liked the post Michele. Yes, sales pages are a great tool to make it easy for customers to buy. It’s really about communicating a clear offer that makes it easy for people to say yes.

  2. Hi Rick, I like your idea of testing various combinations for your offers. I haven’t done that very much in the past and will certainly do that in the future! We all have different segments in our lists and different bundles could appeal to each group better.

  3. Hi Rick. Most of my clients are consultants or coaches who want to find a way to leverage what they know and come to me for business planning and marketing in this area. I really ask some hard questions before going too far down the WWW road… because many people have the false assumption of “build it and they will come”. Online marketing when done effectively and with a business strategy in mind is a wonderful way to add revenue and reach to a business. Thanks for sharing practical tips.

  4. Thanks Rick
    The reminder that a confused mind doesn’t buy takes me back to my own web pages to make sure I’m keeping it simple. I added it to my priority list to review and make sure it’s clear!

  5. Great tips Rick! One thing people seem to miss is the part about creating a compelling offer. That is so very important if you want anyone to hit the “buy now” button. Speak to their pain and tell them the benefits regarding WHY they need your product. If you don’t tell them, they won’t know …

  6. Great info! Im always frustrated by people who think just because they build a website, it equates to dollars automatically. I know every business person struggles with how to drive more traffic and convert them into sales. Thanks for the tips!

    • Brian on November 2, 2012 at 12:06 am

    Great Tips Rick! When you bring your offer to the internet, you can create the automated processes with what you have shared. It then becomes a game of focusing on more traffic and conversions (tweaking your offer to create more sales). Building Relationships will always influence tipping people over the edge into a buying decision.

  7. Yes, a confused mind doesn’t buy … and sales pages can be a great tool to increase your sales – but only with the right copywriting, design, and call to action. I’ve seem way to many business owners throw up a sales page and wonder why no one is buying even though they are working their tails off to drive a lot of traffic to the page… No one should underestimate the extreme difference well written sales copy and great design will make on conversion rates.

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