Traditional advertising such as radio, TV and newpaper ads are expensive. And their results are limited. Social media is inexpensive and has great potential. One advantage of social media is that it can create viral marketing. Viral marketing is getting other people to share your message. Think of a viral video. How is it that …
Tag: facebook marketing
Dec 04
Downsizing your Network of Facebook Friends
Do you have too many Facebook Friends? Periodically, it’s a good idea to eliminate friends on Facebook that are not a good fit. Learn simple tips to downsize your network of Facebook friends. In the video below, I will teach a simple technique you can use every day that will allow you to review and …
Sep 09
Simple Yet Powerful Strategy to Maximize your Results on Social Media
What are you doing to get results on social media? One of the best ways to build your presence online is by communicating on social media sites like Facebook. Learn a great technique to improve your results on social media to prospect for customers. Click PLAY below to watch this video on Social Media:
Aug 12
Facebook Marketing Tip to Selectively Share Information
Have you ever been concerned that what you are posting on Facebook might be seen by the wrong people? Use this technique and maintain control over your right to privacy. Click here to watch the video: Rick Cooper Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer
Aug 23
Amazing Technique to Reach Clients with a Laser Focused Message
One of the challenges people have when using Facebook is that they post generic messages that are not customized to a specific audience. As a result, they don’t really get the results they want. Learn a very powerful technique which will allow you to reach a targeted audience with your message. Watch the video below …
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