Would you benefit from creating a series of videos that educate potential clients? Absolutely! Yet, why do so few business owners actually take the time to create videos? Some business owners are uncomfortable appearing on video. Others simply don’t know what to say. Video is a great tool for promotion. I encourage you to create …
Tag: blog
May 12
Use GoogleDocs to Write Blog Content – Part 1
GoogleDocs is a great tool for writing and tracking blog content. I have used a lot of strategies to write blog posts. I’d like to share some of these methods so you can learn from them. Methods to write blog posts: -Typepad/Wordpress The disadvantage of this method is that you end up with a lot …
Nov 24
Attraction Marketing Secrets: How to Use your Blog to Attract Clients
Posting to a blog is a great way to attract clients. The internet is an amazing source of information and you can provide value by writing a blog and sharing your expertise. People often turn to blogs because they contain specialized information. You can build an audience and attract clients if you post quality content …
Mar 24
Develop a Social Media Marketing Program
Are you wondering how to leverage social media in your marketing efforts? Do you currently just wander from site to site adding a little value here and a little value there? It’s time to develop a Social Media Marketing Program. Lee Odden posted on Blog Business Consulting compares and contrasts a traditional direct mail campaign …
Apr 20
Drive Traffic by Commenting on Blogs
There are many reasons to become a blogger. One of the best is simply to generate leads. And yet, the challenge is always to get people to your blog. You can’t generate a lead unless someone lands on your web page. So, once you are in the habit of blogging and you have the ability …
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