Simple Techniques to Develop Personal Relationships through Social Media

Social Media RelationshipIs it harder to develop relationships online than offline?
Yes it is.

When you meet someone in person, you can look into their eyes and talk to them. You can really get a sense of the person.

When you meet someone online, you are limited to seeing just what they have posted online.

So, if you want to develop relationships online, then you need to do something more.

I have seen many posts lately on Facebook indicating that people are tired of the superficial nature of communication on social media. People are looking for opportunities to connect personally with people.

In my own business, I spend much of the day talking to people over the phone. I understand the value of having a personal conversation to really get to know someone and what they are struggling with. And that is the basis for understanding how you can help.

Here are a few quick tips to develop personal relationships online:

1) Develop relationships one at a time

How do you develop relationships?

One at a time!

One of the most effective ways to communicate with people on Facebook and other social media sites is to send them a private message.

Keep your messages short and end with a question.

I get too many messages from people who just spew details about their business in the first message.

Keep your messages brief and focus on making a connection.

When you ask a question, it starts a dialogue. You want to have a series of short messages back and forth. This allows you to develop trust and rapport.

2) Have a system for contacting people

You need a simple system that will help you keep track of who to contact and who you have contacted.

I love spreadsheets for their simplicity.

Make a top ten list of people to contact and get started.

Add to your list over time.

Make a note after you have made contact.

Depending on the results, follow up in 60 to 90 days.

3) Move conversations offline over the phone

You can only accomplish so much online.

At a certain point, it makes sense to take the conversation offline.

Suggest that you talk by phone.

This is a great way to develop the relationship and accomplish more.

Begin the process of making personal contact with your friends and followers.

Move beyond the superficial nature of online conversations.

Step into the role of taking an interest in people and learning how to best help them.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer


  1. Good afternoon Rick,

    I agree with everything you said and try to do all of it. I am only limited by available time. Keep sending these valuable insights.


    PS, How do I use the HTML tags?

  2. Rick, We’ve had contact in the past, (you know that). I haven’t been a proponent (advocate) of social media, in the past. In fact, I’ve been on FB, been on Twitter, and sometimes ‘had much fun and enjoyment’, doing each of those. I also haven’t had success in marketing anything, or sometimes even getting my point across. What’s wrong with this picture? I can connect with people, I’m a fairly personable guy. (Give me a call and I’ll tell you in person!:-) It seems there’s a mindset that I don’t have for being a ‘business’-minded person. I can accept that, if that’s the case. Except, so many ‘successful’ people, (such as yourself) keep telling people like me, that we can be just like them. With the right attitude, having the ‘confidence’, doing the exact right things, knowing what we want badly enough, we can follow a ‘plan’ that will get us through! Shoot! (Read “i” in place of “oo”). If it hasn’t worked, it hasn’t worked!

    Thanks for your help, Rick!

    Jerry Litwicki

  3. Hi Tom. Thanks for commenting! Yes, time is always a constraint.

    Set priorities and take action to leverage social media.

    As for html tags, sounds like a good blog post for me to write,

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