Tune in on July 23rd for Attracting Ideal Clients, aired on BlogTalkRadio. We’ll be talking about how to Improve your Inner Game to Achieve Greater Results.
Attracting Ideal Clients on BlogTalkRadio
Improve your Inner Game to Achieve Greater Results
July 23rd (Episode 14)
3pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern
Special Guest: John Marshall
Founder of Results Driven Selling
Tune in every Wednesday at 3pm Pacific Time:
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About our Guest:
John Marshall
John Marshall is President of Results Driven Selling, a sales and business coaching company he started over 4 years ago.
He started the company because he’s passionate about teaching, coaching and seeing individuals achieve the results they deserve.
His focus is helping single entrepreneurs, small businesses and those in a sales role to be more creative and effective, even though they are ‘reluctant sellers.’ As reluctant sellers, they have been thrust into a sales role, and although they enjoy their business, they are not comfortable selling.
At Results Driven Selling, John helps clients’ become more confident, comfortable and successful in a sales role. The coaching and training he teaches is easy to understand, easy to execute and gets clients’ results.
He’s worked with industries that include Professional Services, Financial Services, Realtors, Hospitality, I.T., and Manufacturing.
In addition to a business degree in Marketing, John has worked in Canada and Internationally, and has always been a top producer.
Results Driven Selling is based in Seattle, and works throughout the US and Canada.
Rick S. Cooper, MBA
The Sales Results Expert
Business & Technology Coach
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