Tune in on July 16th for Attracting Ideal Clients, aired on BlogTalkRadio. We’ll be talking about how to Tips to Turn the Gatekeeper into an Ally and Sales Coach.
Attracting Ideal Clients on BlogTalkRadio
Tips to Turn the Gatekeeper into an Ally and Sales Coach
July 16th (Episode 13)
3pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern
Special Guest: John Cameron
Creator of Selling When You Can’t See the Whites of Their Eyes
Tune in every Wednesday at 3pm Pacific Time:
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About our Guest:
John Alexander Cameron
Long before he became an energetic and powerful speaker and trainer, John Cameron was a courageous member of the 1st of the 509th Airborne Battalion Combat team. Following his military service, he earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration then spent several years working as a stockbroker in Carmel and Sacramento California. Following this, he spent several years in the advertising field, leading his sales team to 37 uninterrupted quarters of growth. When he became a speaker and trainer, John already possessed a wealth of life and workplace experiences to draw upon for his presentations. The result is seminars fraught with strategies and techniques that have been tested and proven to work in the real world. A dynamic and entertaining speaker, John Cameron leaves his audiences eager to put his ideas to the test and re-engaged to face all challenges awaiting back them back on the job.
Rick S. Cooper, MBA
The Sales Results Expert
Business & Technology Coach
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