Time for a Change – How to Improve your Blog

Improve your blogMake your blog more relevant and effective. Have you ever felt like your blog was ready for a facelift? What’s holding you back from making the change?

I recently decided to make some changes to my blog. I just felt like it wasn’t looking as good as it could.

How long did it take me to make the changes? About 10 minutes!

How did I do it? I used Typepad. I’ve had the opportunity to use WordPress, Blogger and Typepad. While WordPress sites look great, they’re not the easiest to change. And you might need help from a WordPress developer to make the changes.

I haven’t used Blogger in years, but the interface seemed a little clunky to me. Maybe it’s changed since then.

On the other hand, Typepad is easy and flexible. It’s to blogging what Constant Contact is to email marketing: simple, flexible and cost effective.

If you feel like your blog is due for a change, then just do it. You can make a plan if you want, but it’s okay to just pick a new template and go with it. Change doesn’t have to be hard!

Rick Cooper
Sales & Marketing Success Coach