One of my favorite Social Networking sites in Twitter. One of the reasons I like it is that communication is limited to 140 characters per message. It forces you to be brief.
One of the other advantages to Twitter is that unlike most other sites, people "follow" you rather than connecting with you. If you are interesting and have something to offer, you can grow your network quickly.
I joined Twitter in July 2008. I set a goal of having 100 followers by the end of the month and 1,000 followers by the end of 2008. And I'm happy to report that as of Dec. 29th, I have 1,058 followers!
What does that mean? How does that benefit me as an entrepreneur? Twitter gives you the capability to communicate individually and in mass. I can post a message that could be read by any of my followers, or anyone else who visits my page.
Use Twitter to Drive Traffic to your Website or Blog
There have been times that I mentioned a free resource or an event and seen traffic to my website or blog from Twitter. It's been a powerful way to quickly get the message out. It's much more immediate than email. And you don't have to worry about a spam filter.
You can also communicate through direct messages or replying (@Replies) to a message which can be viewed by anyone else.
Jeremiah Owyang shared some statistics compiled by HP Labs on how people are using Twitter. On average, most had 85 followers and 80 friends. Most users have a smaller inner circle they communicate with. And, most people tweet once per day. For more details on the report, click here.
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