Topic: Way of the Future Speaker: Jason Cosper Jason’s talk was part of the Advanced Track at Wordcamp. It was more applicable for WordPress Developers, but I wanted to some exposure to the tools, techniques and mindset of developers. Jason started his talk by referencing a presentation he gave at a Wordcamp 6 months …
Category: Wordcamp
Nov 16
Peter Chester Talks about Coding with a Team at Wordcamp Sacramento 2015
Topic: Coding with a Team Speaker: Peter Chester One of the most interesting presentations I attended at Wordcamp Sacramento, that was a little over my head, was on coding workflow. Peter Chester from Modern Tribe gave a great presentation on how to structure a workflow where multiple WordPress Developers can build the same website. This …
Nov 09
Chris Lema Talks About WordPress Membership Plugins at Wordcamp Sacramento 2015
Topic: WordPress Membership Plugins Speaker: Chris Lema Probably the most entertaining speaker at Wordcamp Sacramento, in my humble opinion, was Chris Lema. He has a larger than life personality and is clearly an expert in his field. His presentation was funny at times, while also being jam-packed with amazing content. The audience roared at some …
Nov 09
Review: Wordcamp Sacramento 2015 for WordPress Users, Designers and Developers
I had the great opportunity to attend my first Wordcamp on November 7, 2015. It’s been on my to-do list for about 3 years now. Wordcamps are hosted around the world, so when I heard that one was planned for Sacramento, I knew I had to attend! One of the things I liked about the …
Nov 09
Dawn Pedersen Talks about Content Design at Wordcamp Sacramento 2015
Topic: Content Design: Getting The Most From Your Content And Images Speaker: Dawn Pedersen The first presentation I attended at Wordcamp Sacramento was a primer on writing effective content for your WordPress website. Keep in mind, I have been blogging since 2004. This was part of the beginner’s track. I remembered something I read in …
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