If I looked into my crystal ball to predict the future, I believe that I would see that 3 years from now people will value social media a lot more than they do today. When something is free, people tend to undervalue it. You probably don’t realize how powerful your social network is and much …
Category: Social Networking
Dec 04
Downsizing your Network of Facebook Friends
Do you have too many Facebook Friends? Periodically, it’s a good idea to eliminate friends on Facebook that are not a good fit. Learn simple tips to downsize your network of Facebook friends. In the video below, I will teach a simple technique you can use every day that will allow you to review and …
Dec 01
7 Advanced Social Media Marketing Tactics
Social Media Marketing can be easy or complex. It just depends on what your goals are. If you don’t have expectations for what you want to accomplish, then your social media marketing may be simple. At a certain point though, you might decide that you want to accomplish more using social media. Here are some …
Nov 06
Ely Delaney Shares Tips to Become a Better Networker
Marketing Expert Ely Delaney wrote a great blog title, 3 Tips To Become A Better Networker At Live Events. Ely starts his blog by talking about the importance of showing up early at events. Here’s what Ely had to say… “Want to quickly become the most remembered person at any event? Show up early and …
Oct 01
Tips to Develop Personal Relationships through Social Media
Is it harder to develop relationships online than offline? Yes it is. When you meet someone in person, you can look into their eyes and talk to them. You can really get a sense of the person. When you meet someone online, you are limited to seeing just what they have posted online. So, if …
Sep 09
Simple Yet Powerful Strategy to Maximize your Results on Social Media
What are you doing to get results on social media? One of the best ways to build your presence online is by communicating on social media sites like Facebook. Learn a great technique to improve your results on social media to prospect for customers. Click PLAY below to watch this video on Social Media:
Sep 04
8 Reasons to Attend Gary Loper’s Twitter Party
Would you like to leverage Twitter to grow your business? Learn tips and strategies to leverage Twitter on September 7th starting at 9am Pacific. Gary Loper is hosting a FREE Twitter Party online. It’s easy to participate! All you have to do is join the conversation online. Simply click on this link on September 7th …
Sep 02
Social Media is Easy When You Remember these 80 Rules
People ask me all the time what do they need to do to get results on social media. Good question. The fact of the matter is that social media is just like any other marketing. It requires having a clear strategy and a plan. You need to be consistent in your social media marketing. You …
Jan 01
10 Tips to Leverage Social Media
I want to share a Top 10 List with you. This list is focused on giving you some strategies to implement on social media right now. Read the list below and then watch the video! (SCROLL DOWN FOR THE VIDEO) I would suggest you pick one strategy below and implement it right away. Bookmark this …
Nov 11
Developing your Social Media Influence
Michele Jennae is Founder of influenSPHERE, a company dedicated to helping people strategically expand their sphere of influence. I first met Michele through Twitter. I liked her posts on Twitter and started retweeting her posts. She retweeted some of my posts too. Social media makes it easy to share someone else’s content. I share other …
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