Social media is all the rage. Everyone is connecting and networking online. And Twitter illustrates the unique nature of social networking, that millions of people are simultaneously twittering to the masses. This humorous if not biting commentary on Twitter demonstrates how silly the whole process is. Yet, you can't deny the value of being able …
Category: Social Media
Mar 24
Develop a Social Media Marketing Program
Are you wondering how to leverage social media in your marketing efforts? Do you currently just wander from site to site adding a little value here and a little value there? It’s time to develop a Social Media Marketing Program. Lee Odden posted on Blog Business Consulting compares and contrasts a traditional direct mail campaign …
Feb 06
Niche Marketing for Coaches
“Do you think a coach needs a niche in order to succeed?” No. But, I think most coaches will find success more quickly once they do select the right niche market for them. And, it will make the marketing process so much simpler and more effective. Yes, a lot of this does come down to …
Dec 29
Facts and Stats on Twitter as a Social Network
One of my favorite Social Networking sites in Twitter. One of the reasons I like it is that communication is limited to 140 characters per message. It forces you to be brief. One of the other advantages to Twitter is that unlike most other sites, people "follow" you rather than connecting with you. If you …
Jun 28
John Horsley is Guest on July 2nd Attracting Ideal Clients Show
Tune in on July 2nd for Attracting Ideal Clients, aired weekly on BlogTalkRadio. We’ll be talking about how to make the most of social media and social networking sites. We’ll share tips and strategies to build a network of people that can help you accomplish your goals and win big! Attracting Ideal ClientsTalk Show on …
Jun 20
What’s One Thing You Can Do to Attract Clients Today?
As entrepreneurs, we have a tendency to want to swing for the fences. We want to hit the home run. Master Marketer Jay Conrad Levinson said, “Marketing is not an event, but a process . . . It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, …
May 31
Keys to Attract Clients
How do you attract clients? Good question! First, I strongly believe that you need to identify your ideal clients. Too many entrepreneurs have not taken the time to identify who is their best client. This results in the "Everyone is a great client for me" Syndrome. This comes from a place of scarcity. If you …
May 19
Demo Girl has Twitter Tips
Molly McDonald, Editor in Chief of Demo Girl, has some great suggestions on tools to use Twitter more effectively. Twitter is considered a micro-blog. If you have wanted to start a blog, but can’t get your head around it, this is a good place to start. Very simple and easy. It’s a great way to …
May 19
The Sales Results Expert now on Twitter
Social media and social networking is one of the best ways to reach your ideal client. It’s a great way to stay in touch with people and get your message out there. I belong to many social networks. You’ll find me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Marzar, MySpace, NowLive, BlogTalkRadio, Plaxo Pulse, Ryze and many others. I …
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