A simple yet powerful technique to create goodwill and produce many benefits is to spotlight people on social media. People love attention. They love recognition. So, why not give people what they want. This is a simple technique and yet so few people do it. Twitter Spotlight A great example of this technique is the …
Category: Social Media
Apr 25
How to Build Virtual Rapport Online
The challenge many face online today is that there are so many people to connect with, it can be very overwhelming to know what to do to build relationships. And for most small business owners, whatever they choose to do tends to be “hit and miss”. They often do not consistently implement a strategy. Build …
Sep 27
How to Overcome your LinkedIn Phobia
Are you afraid of LinkedIn? Why is it that people are much more comfortable spending time on Facebook rather than LinkedIn when they would actually get better results from using LinkedIn? There are 6 Common Reasons People have a LinkedIn Phobia: 1. They don’t have an impressive LinkedIn profile LinkedIn more so than Facebook allows …
Apr 26
How to Create Engagement on Facebook Using Questions
There is a value in creating engagement with members of your social network. Why is it important to create engagement? It’s just like meeting people in person. You will learn a lot more if you talk instead of just staring at each other. There is an art in having conversations offline. And there is an …
Mar 21
How to Prepare for Calls Using Social Media Sites
Social Media is a great tool for building relationships. And not only is it useful for building relationships online, you can also use it to build relationships by phone. You can learn a lot about people just by visiting their social media profiles. You can learn where they live, what they are interested in and …
Jan 12
Tips to Retweet Content on Twitter
Twitter is easy to use. There is a simplicity in a tweet. Being limited to 140 characters makes it easy for you to create a concise message and share it in the form of a tweet. Why You Should Retweet It’s also easy to retweet content. A retweet is simply sharing someone else’s tweet. Retweeting …
Dec 12
3 Simple Tips to Create a Video Script
What’s holding you back from creating more videos? Maybe you just don’t know what to say. I have 3 amazing Video Scripting Power Tips to share with you: 1. Write it as a blog post When it comes to scripting a video, pretend like you are writing a blog post. In fact, write a blog …
Nov 02
4 Tips for Posting LinkedIn Updates
Did you realize that LinkedIn has a newsfeed just like Facebook? You can post updates and people can like, comment and share. Surprisingly, very few people actually make use of this valuable feature. Not only that, some of your activity on LinkedIn will also appear in the newsfeed. So, what should you post on LinkedIn? …
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