One of the best attraction marketing strategies available is to get publicity. You can increase your visibility by getting coverage from the media. It’s not an easy task, but if you have a timely message, you can do it. After you develop a publicity strategy and a plan, the first step to get publicity is …
Category: Publicity
May 12
5 Tips to Get More Speaking Engagements
Experts gets more clients! You can use public speaking to increase your visibility. You may also have the opportunity to generate leads or sell products. Public speaking is a great way to find clients. When you stand at the front of the room, people will perceive you as an expert. So, where can you go …
Jan 08
Michael Port Wins Best Marketing Book of 2008
Michael Port, The Guy to Call When You're Tired of Thinking Small, was awarded Best Marketing Book of 2008 for Beyond Booked Solid. The award is from Marketing Over Coffee, part of their 23rd Annual Marketing Over Coffee Awards. I have had the great opportunity to be coached and mentored by Michael through his highly …
Dec 22
Defining your Niche Market
Do you have a niche market? Have you clearly defined who you’re trying to reach? I enjoy talking to people who are trying to get clear on who they want to serve. Many entrepreneurs have not taken enough time to really define their niche market. And instead, their message doesn’t really communicate effectively to anyone …
Oct 13
What are you doing to attract clients?
Is it just my imagination or have people slowed down their efforts to attract clients? I think the whole world just slowed down over the last few weeks to watch the financial crisis in the same way as traffic slows down to gaze at a car accident on the side of the road! Get over …
Aug 29
Jill Lublin September 3rd Guest on Attracting Ideal Clients Talk Show
Tune in on September 3rd for Attracting Ideal Clients, aired on BlogTalkRadio. We’ll be talking about how to get referrals, build your client base, and expand your business by making a name for yourself. Attracting Ideal Clients on BlogTalkRadioHow to Get Referrals, Build your Client Base, and Expand your Business by Making a Name for …
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