Think about your marketing. What are you doing that’s repeatable and duplicatable? There is a power in simplicity. Too often we try to make things too complex. This is bad. You will be much more likely to repeat something that is simple. When I coach clients, I’m often surprised at how much they are doing …
Category: Article Marketing
Mar 28
Capitalize on your Knowledge
What are you doing to leverage the knowledge you have to grow your business? You have a unique skill set and information that other people want to know. Are you really using that information strategically? There are many ways that you can use the information in your head to communicate and educate clients and prospects. …
Feb 21
Find More Clients on the Internet
One of the common challenges facing most businesses, and particularly professional services businesses, is to find clients. A cost effective and simple strategy you can use to find clients is to leverage the power of the internet. What is the most effective way you have found so far to get clients? Select this one strategy …
Apr 27
Write an Article to Position Yourself as an Expert
Looking for a great way to begin positioning yourself as an expert? Write an article! This is a quick and easy strategy to begin adding value to attract clients. People want to know that you are knowledgeable before they work with you. Show them. As an author and a speaker, I have developed a body …
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