Do you want to grow your business? Are you looking for clients who inspire you and motivate you to do your best work? If so, then you need to attract your ideal clients!
Hi. My name is Rick Cooper, The Attraction Marketing Expert. I work with entrepreneurs who want to grow their business. I specialize in working with Coaches, Speakers and Experts.
Join me for a complimentary teleseminar and I’ll show you how to attract your ideal clients.
Attract your Ideal Clients Thursday, April 23rd
3pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern
What You’ll Learn:
How to identify your ideal clients
How to reach your ideal clients
What to communicate to your ideal clients
Sign Up Today
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complimentary teleseminar that will help you attract clients and grow
your business.
Sign Up Below for the FREE Teleseminar!
I look forward to talking with you on the call.
Rick S. Cooper, MBA The Attraction Marketing Expert Entrepreneur Success Coach
Rick is an Author, Speaker, and Coach. He is author of Seize your Opportunities, Marketing Magic, and Extreme Excellence. Rick works with small business owners who want to generate more leads online and increase sales on the internet.He specializes in working with Coaches, Speakers, and Experts. He helps them leverage their expertise to attract clients online. He has provided marketing consulting and support to some of the top speakers in the world.
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