Tune in on March 11th for Attracting Ideal Clients, aired on BlogTalkRadio. We'll be talking about how important it is to use the right words and methods like telling stories, using testimonials, inserting a call to action and how to make the copy reach your prospects emotional triggers.
Attracting Ideal Clients on BlogTalkRadio
Creating Words That Sell
March 11th (Episode 27)
3pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern
Words are important in marketing your business. Whenever you create a message to create visibility and motivate your prospects, you need to write effective copy.
During the show, you'll learn:
> It's not all about you, but the benefit
> How important it is to reach your prospect emotionally
> How to pare down the amount of copy
> Why testimonials are important
> How to insert a call to action
Special Guest: Susan Anne Sandler
Tune in monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 3pm Pacific Time:
Listen online (live or archived).
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About our Guest: Anne Sandler
Anne has been a partner and copywriter for Image Publishing for the past 20 years and recently opened her own firm, Pizzazz Communications, a Speaking and Writing Communications company to follow her dream of speaking professionally and coaching others in writing and speaking. She has been a public speaker for 20 years, giving workshops at the San Jose Chamber and other venues. She has received the highest honor of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International and has coached clients on writing and speaking. Now, through Pizzazz Communications she continues her writing expertise and has a goal to teach others her craft.
Rick S. Cooper, MBA
The Attraction Marketing Expert
Entrepreneur Success Coach
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