One of the qualities you need to possess to build a successful business is gratitude. You will benefit by being grateful for what you have in your life and in your business. It’s easy to focus on the negative. It can be hard to focus on the positive. Make it a habit each day to …
December 2009 archive
Dec 15
Attraction Marketing Secrets: How to Use Email to Generate Leads and Earn Sales
Email marketing is one of the most cost effective strategies to communicate your message to prospective clients. Building a permission based email list is a great strategy to leverage the internet. You can create short text based email messages or very professional, graphic laden messages. There are benefits to each. Here are some quick tips …
Dec 15
Success Secrets: Set Annual Goals
Successful people set annual goals. They set a lot of goals, but in particular, they set annual goals. New Year’s Resolutions are a form of annual goals, but they have limitations. If you want to truly make progress in your life and in your business, then sit down each year and write down your goals …
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