Tune in on February 11th for Attracting Ideal Clients, aired on BlogTalkRadio. We'll be talking about exposure to new internet marketing program: www.GetYourNetInGear.com; attracting clients and affiliate partners Attracting Ideal Clients on BlogTalkRadioTime to Get your 'net in GearFebruary 11th (Episode 26)3pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern Discover the Universe is full …
February 2009 archive
Feb 07
Persistence is the Key to Success
That’s a great quote from Calvin Coolidge Cristina. You are right. Persistence is one of the keys to success. It’s certainly been true in my case. It’s taken sheer willpower to keep going and persist in spite of challenges and failures. I’m writing a chapter on persistence for my next book. So, this is especially …
Feb 06
Niche Marketing for Coaches
“Do you think a coach needs a niche in order to succeed?” No. But, I think most coaches will find success more quickly once they do select the right niche market for them. And, it will make the marketing process so much simpler and more effective. Yes, a lot of this does come down to …
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