10 Tips to Attain Expert Status

TipsYou are an expert!

Does that ring true for you?

For many people, they are clear about what their expertise is and it’s easy for them to communicate information to their audience that positions them as an expert and attracts customers.

For others, it may not be so clear.

If you know you’re an expert, then how do you go about getting others to recognize you as an expert?

Here are 10 timely tips to achieve recognition as an expert:

1) Write a book

2) Create an ebook

3) Record a video and post it on YouTube

4) Start a blog

5) Create a Facebook Page and post tips

6) Write an article and post it on EzineArticles.com

7) Send out an email newsletter and feature your own article

8) Start an internet radio show

9) Record an audio program

10) Create an Information Product

Every step you take to position yourself as an expert will lay the foundation for the next step.

It doesn’t matter where you start. Just get started.

By the way, do you know what your expertise is?

Send me an email message at rick (at) socialmediaoutcomes.com and let me know. I have a few extra ideas to share with you to get more visibility online!

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer


    • Vatsala on September 24, 2013 at 3:42 pm

    Happy to see that I have ticked off quite a few of the tips on my checklist. What about those businesses/practices that are actually off-line but maintain on-line visibility since prospects do Google searches? Would love to read more tips. I often do quasi pro-bono workshops where the sponsor provides the venue and covers the cost material and a small honorarium to cover my overheads.

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