Reach out to your Network

Grow NetworkOne of the most valuable assets you have in your business is your network. Your network includes anyone you know, whether they are an acquaintance, an associate, a client or a friend.

You have a network, whether you look at it that way or not. There is value in your network. There is the possibility for developing joint venture partnerships, referral opportunities and client relationships.

The question is how do you leverage your network? You have to be deliberate about thinking of your network in a way that will support you. When you have a need, think of specific people you know who can help. Reach out and ask for help.

You will have much better luck if you are proactive in helping others first. If you are always taking and never giving, your network will tire of your requests.

Do you have a strategy to build your network? Isn’t it time you made a plan to build your network and determine how best to make use of this incredible resource?

Be Proactive in Looking for Ways to Help People!

Here are 3 strategies to build your network:

1) Grow your network

One of the simplest ways to grow your network these days is through social media. You have instant access to millions of people. You can quickly connect with people and over time develop closer relationships.

Networking at events is another great way to meet people. Be selective about which events you attend. Look for events that will connect you with your ideal clients or with influential people.

You can also state a goal to develop a relationship with someone you know of but have not met. This is a powerful strategy. It will cause you to step outside of your comfort zone.

2) Connect with your network

A network is meaningless unless you actually reach out and connect with people. You can connect through social media or the phone. The most powerful way to connect with people is directly over the phone or in person. When you talk with someone directly it creates a greater possibility for understanding and opportunity for support.

3) Support your network

Be proactive in looking for ways to help people. Listen to what they are saying. People will often make requests through social media sites, email or on their blog. Watch for opportunities and act on them.

Another idea is to simply ask people what they need help with. This is best done over the phone or by email. Make it personal.

How many people are in your network? What do you plan to do to grow your network? Who are 5 people you want to be in your network? What is one step you can take to reach out to them?

Take action to build your network and you will create opportunities to grow your business in the future.