Optimize your Online Marketing Processes

Gears TurningOne of the most valuable principles I have learned over the years to improve my business operations is the concept of optimization.

Some business owners struggle as they run their companies because they get stuck. An obstacle arises and they get bottlenecked. The bottleneck causes them to grind to a halt.

I have learned over the years how to quickly select new strategies and implement them.

Here’s a valuable mindset: “Focus on completion not perfection.”

There is a time to make improvements and there is a time to just get it done. Many business owners struggle to implement online marketing systems and get stuck rather than just following through and taking action. Don’t let this happen to you.

Here are 3 keys to optimize your marketing:

1) Make a list of web pages to optimize

In the online marketing world, your web pages have the potential to generate leads and income.

Invest time every week reviewing web pages and updating any copy that needs to be improved.

Copy refers to copywriting. That is writing that is persuasive and influential. How effective are you at writing copy? Who do you know that can write copy or edit copy for you?

While you’re at it, make a list of other marketing materials you need to improve.

2) Learn best practices

There are plenty of places where you can learn how to improve your marketing.

Watch your competitors to see what they are doing.

You can read books and listen to audio programs.

And you can attend teleseminars, webinars and live events to learn more.

3) Improve your marketing skills

Developing a skill requires practice. Do you think a world class pianist reached excellence by practicing once a week or twice a month?

Absolutely not!

They practice for hours every day.

If you want to improve your marketing skills, you need to use your skills.

You can improve your marketing skills and each lesson you learn will help you increase results.

One of the ways I help clients are through copywriting. I invest about 3 – 4 hours a day in writing copy.

It is because I write every day that I find it easy to write. I have learned how to write quickly in a way that people can easily understand.

That is the essence of writing marketing copy.

It’s the ability to communicate a clear message your client or prospect can understand.

It’s a message that inspires, motivates and encourages them to take a next step in working with you.

What can you write that will lead people to a next step in working with you?

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

1 comment

  1. Hi, Rick, I’ve just spent an hour reading posts on your blog. Excellent suggestions. One of the 80 rules is about connecting with other bloggers. I am not sure how this would work. How do I interact with other bloggers to introduce my product? Can you write a post about that? Thanks, Betsy

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