Leveraging the Power of Consistency in your Marketing

Marketing ConsistencyAre you following a consistent strategy to build your business?

Or do you have a hit and miss strategy?

Unfortunately for many business owners, they are not marketing their business consistently.

Take a look at your bottom line results. Are you achieving your goals or falling short?

Improving Marketing Results

If you want to improve your results, then you need to get serious about marketing and sales.

You need to focus on revenue producing activities.

You need to create a marketing plan and stick with it. Yes, you can adapt your plan. But, there is a value is selecting a series of strategies to utilize over a 2-3 month period and working consistently to implement them.

You need to get the word out about your business.

Here are some of the marketing activities to do consistently:

  • Making calls
  • Attending events
  • Email marketing
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Posting videos on YouTube
  • Publishing articles
  • Posting to a blog
  • Send direct mail correspondence
  • Mail a thank you card
  • Email newsletter
  • Host a teleseminar
  • Host a webinar
  • Trade shows
  • Free consultations

What other activities do you need to accomplish?

Establish Daily Marketing Habits

It’s a good idea to decide how much of a specific activity to complete and how often.

For example, you might set a goal to make 10 calls a day, 5 days a week.

Or send one thank card per day.

Or send 5 private messages on Facebook per day.

There is a value in establishing a daily habit and then doing consistently over time.

Will you track your results to make sure you accomplished your goal?

Superstars take the time to track their activities and their results.

It’s time to step up your game and improve your results.

Put a focus on improving your consistency in marketing your business.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

Build your Email List

It’s not enough to increase your activity level on social media, you need to make it a priority to build your email list.

You need to have the ability to communicate with potential clients consistently over time. Email marketing is a great way to do this.

I encourage you to download my FREE Report on 33 Simple Strategies to Build your Email List.

Set Email Marketing goals and then select strategies to implement each day.


  1. Hey Rick – I totally agree. The one thing most entrepreneurs lack is consistency. Busy – they have that in spades, but busy-ness isn’t the same as business.

    Another tip you’ve mentioned before that ties in well here is to limit your time on email and social media so you don’t go down the rabbit hole only to find the entire day is gone. Plan first, execute second, and set a timer.

    Excellent article!

    • Cora on February 10, 2015 at 9:52 pm

    I needed to read your blog about “Leveraging the Power of Consistency in your Marketing.” I do about seven tasks consistently now and I know that I need to do more. I’ve been writing down my daily habits and sticking to them. Also, I am trying to add more consistent marketing habits every day/week. Thank you for posting this blog.

  2. Great article Rick. Consistency is the key to any successful business. Your clients and would-be clients need you to keep showing up, otherwise they won’t get to know you, like you or trust you. And they won’t buy from you unless you keep showing up.

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