Twitter Tip to Create Social Currency

Twitter_TipsTwitter is a great tool for people who want to attract clients and find joint venture partners. I’ve heard a lot of feedback that some people don’t really understand Twitter or how to use it. Are you clear about you can leverage Twitter?

One of the ways I use Twitter is to search for people in a particular profession. I work with small business owners to help them market their business online. And I specialize in working with Coaches, Speakers and Experts. So, I’m very clear whenever I go onto Twitter that I want to find Coaches, Speakers, Virtual Assistants, Professional Organizers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers and anyone who offers a professional service and wants to be positioned as an expert.

Use Twellow to Find Potential Clients by Profession

There are many third party sites that can be used in your efforts to leverage Twitter. One of my favorite sites is Twellow. This is like the yellow pages for Twitter. And it organizes people according to their profession. If you don’t have a profile on Twellow, go set one up. You can add yourself to 3 categories.

Twitter is one of my favorite sites for social networking and it’s also great for sharing promotion and product offers. As with all social networking sites, make sure you take time each day to connect and engage people.

Social Currency happens when you create value for someone else. You can do this on Twitter with  retweet. You can post a link to someone’s article or blog post. You can even acknowledge them on #FollowFriday. Think strategically about who you want to acknowledge and recognize. Do it sincerely and do it often.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing Expert