Tips to Leverage Audio from a Teleseminar

Teleseminar audioOne of my favorite strategies to attract clients is to host teleseminars. It’s an easy way to deliver over the top content and deliver solid value to prospective clients.

When you host a teleseminar, you can also record the audio. So, what can you do to leverage the audio you record on a teleseminar?

Here are 5 Ways to Leverage Audio from a Teleseminar:

1. Post the audio on your blog or website to allow people to play the audio

2. Create a link to download the audio file from your website or blog

3. Create a podcast for the audio file. A podcast does not have to be for a series of audio recordings

4. Create a video using the audio and adding powerpoint slides

5. Transcribe the audio recording and sell it as a product or offer it as a bonus

Which one of these strategies can you use to leverage audio from a teleseminar? Which one of these strategies have you used in the past? Post a comment now and let me know.