The Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude and CollaborationWhat is your mindset in business?

I love that entrepreneurship is a team sport. You can’t do it all alone.

You need to find other people to collaborate with. It’s much more fun that way.

In order to build a successful business, you need to put a focus on your relationships.

What are you doing to build and cultivate relationships in business?

I strive to add value and make a personal connection with people in my network.

Whether it’s reaching out and making a call, sending an email to share a tip or express thanks, or supporting someone on social media, I work to let people know that I appreciate them.

Develop a mindset of gratitude in business. Think it, feel it and express it!

Here are 3 quick ways to show your gratitude:

1. Call someone to say thanks

This is such a simple strategy, yet how often do we call people just to say thanks.

I want to challenge you to do this at least 5 times a week. That’s only one call per day.

Can you commit to doing that?

2. Send a private message on Facebook to say thanks

How many friends do you have on Facebook?

I have over 3,600 friends.

Make a habit of sending private messages to your friends on Facebook. Thank them for being your friend. Or, thank them for sharing a timely message.

Reach out to your clients on Facebook. Send them a private message to say thanks.

It’s easier and faster than you might think.

Can you commit to sending 5 messages a week?

Could you attempt to send 5 messages a day?

3. Send an email to say thanks

Here’s another simple strategy. Just send an email to one person to thank them for something.

You could thank them for being a client or for making a recent purchase.

You can thank them for making a referral or providing a testimonial.

You can thank them for being there when you needed them.

Gratitude is easy to do, but it’s also easy not to do.

Who can you thank today?

If you made a habit of thanking people, how do you think that would make people feel?

It’s worth the effort!

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer