Keys to Create Content for your Blog

How to create content for blogOne of the challenges most bloggers face is what to write about on their blog.

Internet expert Joel Comm writes about this subject on his blog. In his post, “How to Decide What to Write About,” Joel states:

“People are always search for how-to do this or that. Just go to Google and search for “how to” and see how many millions of results are returned. In fact, if the search engines like my blog than I can come up on the first couple pages for the phrase “How to decide what to write about.” Wouldn’t that be interesting?”

Click here to read the full post

I find it helpful to brainstorm a list of topics. You can even create a mindmap starting with one idea in the center and then adding ideas around it.

Above all, writing on a regular basis takes practice. Find the time to write daily. Use simple language and write with a specific audience in mind.

Good luck and happy writing!

Rick Cooper
Marketing Coach