How to Influence People Through Public Speaking

Public SpeakingDo you have a message to share with the world?

Would you like to use public speaking to attract new clients?

As a speaker, I seek out opportunities to speak to groups about online marketing and social media.

For the last few years, I have attended meetings of theSacramento Speakers Network. This is an amazing group that was started in 2006by Publishing Expert Stephanie Chandler.

Every time I attend, something incredible happens.

Stephanie is an amazing woman who always impresses me. She brings in amazing speakers to the Sacramento area to speak to members of the group.

My experience inspired me to write this blog post on public speaking.

You can use public speaking as a strategy to grow your business!

Have you ever thought about speaking to groups? If not, you may want to consider it.

Speaking is an incredible technique which provides you with an opportunity to influence people.

Many people are afraid to influence people. But, as a business owner, building a successful business demands that you develop your skills of persuasion and influence.

As a public speaker, people will view you as an expert. They will perceive you as an authority. This is a powerful position to be in.

Here are 3 keys to influence people through speaking:

1) Deliver value

First, remember that whenever you seek to influence people, you do so with their best interests in mind. Focus on adding value.

I think the biggest opportunity you have when you speak to a group of people is to educate them.

Most people want to learn. When you teach people,you automatically build trust and rapport.

You will also start the process of reciprocity.

When you deliver value, people feel compelled to reciprocate. They want to do something in return for you.

2) Generate leads

Most business owners want more prospects. They want to attract their ideal customers.

Do you want more customers and clients?


Well then, get out there and speak!

Feel a little nervous about speaking to a group of people?

Why not deliver a teleseminar or webinar to get started. It’s a lot easier.

The point is to develop a strategy to use speaking to grow your business.

It’s a big part of my business and I have been speaking to groups since I launched my company back in 2003.

3) Extend an Invitation

Can you get business when you speak?

Yes, you can.

But, be careful when you make an offer during a speech.

If you are speaking to an association or group,it’s a good idea to ask your contact what is acceptable to do from the front of the room. Ask their permission to share an offer. If they do not allow you to offer a product or service, then ask if you to hold a raffle to collect business cards.

When you speak, make a clear offer. Explain exactly what you are offering and how much it costs.

The confused mind doesn’t buy. If people are confused, they will not take action.

This is a skillset. You may benefit from learning techniques on how to sell from the stage.

I would encourage you to consider becoming a speaker. It is very rewarding.

And it’s a great way to grow your business!

If you are already a speaker, then continue to develop your skills.

You have greatness inside of you!