Effective Strategies to Follow Up on New Leads

There are two very important things you need to do in your business:

  • Take care of customers
  • Follow up with prospects

Follow Up New LeadsIt’s that simple, you see.

But, for whatever reason, business owners tend to get sidetracked. They tend to focus on everything else, except that which will most bring more money in the door.

What do you need to be doing more of in your business?

I’m guessing it’s probably something to do with serving customers or reaching out to prospects.

Are you making it a priority?

Let’s focus on following up with new leads.

First, what is a lead? It is simply a new prospective customer or client.

Here are 7 action steps for following up on new leads:

  • Send an email
  • Autoresponder
  • Make a phone call
  • Send a direct mail message if you have an address
  • Send an invitation
  • Teleseminar, webinar, event
  • Continue to follow up

It’s not enough to follow up once. You need to follow up over and over. Be patient.

You also need to prioritize. Not every lead is created equal.

Do you have a plan for developing your leads?

Do you have a plan for developing your customers?

If you don’t have a plan, then maybe now is a good time to think about how you want to follow up with leads over time.

Think about how you can automate some of your communications using autoresponders.

Use systems to track your leads to help you identify who to follow up with next.

If you follow up consistently on your leads, you will increase your sales. It’s as simple as that.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer

1 comment

  1. Great blog. I listed 7 actions. Plan to apply them.

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