Drive Traffic by Commenting on Blogs

Blog CommentingThere are many reasons to become a blogger. One of the best is simply to generate leads. And yet, the challenge is always to get people to your blog. You can’t generate a lead unless someone lands on your web page.

So, once you are in the habit of blogging and you have the ability to capture leads, then you simply need to send more people to your blog.

Here’s a simple technique that people often overlook. Many people look for the more challenging or complicated techniques. I look first to do the simple things that will drive traffic and create backlinks to your site.

The technique is simply to comment on other people’s blogs.

It’s a simple idea in concept, but how do you actually implement it consistently?

Here are 3 simple tips:

1) Compile a list of blogs where you can post comments

It’s not enough to simply post a comment once and you’re done. To be effective, you should post periodically to different blogs. When you get started, post a comment on a site once per week. Then, later cut back to once or twice a month.

Engage Other Bloggers in Conversation

Why this often? First, you want to engage the other blogger in dialogue. It’s just like connecting on a social networking site. If you post often enough, people will remember who you are and you will become friends.

In addition to that, if they like your ideas, they might actually feature you or their blog. Or, they might share a resource you offer.

2) Keep your comments short

Remember, this is their blog. Don’t write a novel, keep it brief.

If you feel compelled to write more on the topic, write it on your blog. Then, link back.

Don’t include a hyperlink in the body of the comment. See the next section for more details on how to send people to your blog.

3) Link back to your blog

When you post your comment, you have the opportunity to include a link back to a website. There will be fields for name, email and website. But, where should you send people? Should you send them to a lead capture page, a website, or a blog?

In general, the best approach is to send people to your blog. If a person is interested in reading blogs, then they will probably be interested in reading another similar blog.

So, should you send people to the home page of your blog? The SEO experts say that it’s best to include a link directly to one of the posts on your blog. Pick a post that has similar content to the one you are commenting on. Or, write a new post and link to it.

Are you in the habit of commenting on blogs? Or, is this a new idea for you?

If you want more traffic to your blog, then try this strategy. And be sure to pick some high profile blogs to comment on also. Make sure the topics are relevant. If you’re writing about organization tips, don’t comment on a political blog. Different audiences, different interests.

Set a goal now to comment on 3 blogs in the next 2 weeks. And while you’re reading this post, take a moment now to comment on this blog. Make it happen!

Rick Cooper
Marketing Coach


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  1. Hi Rick,
    Great post! I comment on other people’s blogs but not as much as I’d like to. In the spirit of practice, here is a link to an article you would probably like.
    I have enjoyed our twitter interactions. Looking forward to more connecting!
    Michele Valencia

  2. Hi Michele. Thanks for the comment. And thanks for the link to your blog. Good post. Yes, I look forward to connecting in the future!

  3. This is definitely a topic thats close to me because this is very helpful to my professional career,so Im happy that you wrote about it. Im also happy that you did the subject some justice. Not only do you know a great deal about it, you know how to present in a way that people will want to read more.

  4. Thanks for the feedback. Posting comments is one of the most overlooked online marketing strategies, and yet it’s so simple to do. And not only that, it creates a good dialogue between a blogger and their readers.

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