5 Tips to Get Into Flow Online

5-tips-to-get-into-flow-onlineHow effective are you?

I mean on a day to day basis, are you generating the results you want?

I think one factor which influences your ability to get results is whether you can get into flow.

What is flow?

It’s a powerful concept tied to peak performance.

Peak performance starts with identifying the activities you do best.

Then, maximize your efforts by focusing on those activities during your peak times.

Here are 5 Tips to Get Into the Flow Online:

1. Some activities are better than others

Not every activity will produce big results. Every day, you should put a focus on activities which will generate results.

Some activities will generate results today and other activities will generate results in the future.

Be sure to balance the two.

2. Optimize your mental state

Do you feel rested and energized?
Many people are trying to work when they are exhausted.
Many people are suffering from chronic insomnia. This does not produce good results.
Get a good night’s rest. Eat healthy and exercise.
This will help you to produce the results you want.

3. Work your list

I plan my day on paper. At the beginning of each day, I create a plan for the day.

Then, I work my plan.

I also plan on a weekly and monthly basis.

Create a list of your most important tasks and then work on them.

Don’t get trapped by interruptions and distractions.

Work on the activities that will produce the best results.

4. Make progress on big goals

How big are your goals?

If your goals are not big enough, will you put forth the effort required to accomplish your goals? Probably not!

Set big goals that will generate big results.

5. Put a focus on connecting with people

Many of the results you will generate in your business will come from making a connection with people.

Whether you are talking to clients, prospects or JV Partners, set aside time daily to make calls.

In addition to that, have a plan to reach people through social media and email.

Getting into flow is worth the effort.

It may be a confusing concept to embrace, but you will know you’re in the flow when you feel it.

Being in flow has a lot to do with working with ease. If things come easily to you, then it requires less effort.

Strive for that feeling and work will become much easier!

Flow, the Secret to Happiness

Working in a state of flow has the effect of almost stopping time. When you are in flow, times passes quickly because you love what you’re doing.

I encourage to watch this TED Talk from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi where he discusses the role of flow in becoming more happy.

Rick Cooper
Online Marketing and Social Media Trainer